
  • 网络Wang Yan;Youmans
  1. 看着堆在桌子上厚厚的一叠资料,王燕(音译)做了一个深呼吸,努力克制自己焦虑的情绪。

    As another fat file lands on her desk , Wang Yan takes a deep breath and tries to calm her growing agitation .

  2. 王燕白天上班,下班后还要照顾家里,简直是忙得不可开交。

    Wang Yan has her hands full with working full time during the day and taking care of the family the rest of the time .

  3. 王燕是2005年全国锦标赛全能项目的亚军。她所在的浙江队则在去年的全国锦标赛中得到了银牌。

    Wang was second in the Chinese national all-around competition in2005 , and her Zhejiang provincial team took silver in the team competition last year .

  4. 中国体操运动员王燕,她的年龄在15-16岁之间。星期日在上海的决赛中从高低杠上摔了下来。她头部落地,脖子被摔断,失去了知觉。

    Chinese gymnast Wang Yan , whose age was given as15 or16 , fell from the bars headfirst during Sunday 's final in Shanghai , breaking her neck and losing consciousness .

  5. 王燕是上海一家美资律师事务所的律师,每年大概工作3000个小时,如果按每天工作8小时计算,就是375天。

    As an attorney in a US law firm in Shanghai , Wang Yan works approximately 3000 hours a year , which translates to 375 days on the job if it is averaged out to 8-hour days .