
  • Wang Yi;Yi Wang
  1. 中国发展银行前副行长王毅因受贿被判死刑。

    Former bank VP sentenced to death for taking bribes .

  2. 中国外交部长王毅将主持会议。

    Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will chair the meeting .

  3. [王毅]朝鲜半岛就在中国的家门口。

    Wang Yi : The Korean Peninsula is right on China 's doorstep .

  4. 把握国际产业转移机遇打造西部新经济增长极&访西安市外经贸局、市招商局局长王毅

    Seize the Chance on International Industrial Transition and Create Another Western Economic Growth Pole

  5. 他就是这次的升旗手&王毅。

    He was this flag raisers-Wang Yi .

  6. 王毅:最重要的进展有三个方面

    Wang Yi : The most important progress has been made in the following three aspects

  7. [王毅]我想中非关系可以用三句话来概括。

    Wang Yi : Let me make three points to sum up the China-Africa relationship .

  8. 行程结束之际,外交部长王毅向记者介绍了此访情况。

    At the end of the trip , Foreign Minister Wang Yi briefed reporters on it .

  9. 王毅说,最近,国际上掀起了一波拉美热。

    Wang Yi said that recently , a wave of Latin Heat has swept over the international community .

  10. 王毅部长在外交部2014年新年招待会上的致辞

    Toast by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at New Year Reception for 2014 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  11. 王毅部长认为中印在哪些领域有新的合作空间?

    Are there any particular areas where Foreign Minister Wang sees room for new cooperation between China and India ?

  12. 王毅表示,中国愿与国际社会一道,为结束以巴冲突做出自己的贡献。

    Wang Yi said that China is willing to work with the international community to make contributions to ending the Israel-Palestine conflict .

  13. 本文从独到的学术见解、多样的研究方法和鲜明的时空定位几个方面对王毅这部新著作了评述。

    This paper gives some comments from such aspects as unique academic viewpoint , various research methods and distinctive position of time and space .

  14. [王毅]丝绸之路是中国人2000年前率先走出来的,但这条路是属于全世界的。

    Wang Yi : The Silk Road was first traveled by the Chinese people 2,000 years ago , but it belongs to the whole world .

  15. [中国国际广播之声记者]王毅外长,您好。前不久,您对阿富汗进行了一次旋风式的访问,媒体也是给予高度关注。

    China Radio International : Foreign Minister , you made a whirlwind visit to Afghanistan recently , which generated a lot of interest from the international community .

  16. 王毅称,中国与俄罗斯加强经济联系,属于增加对中亚出口和投资的一带一路整体战略的一部分。

    Increased economic ties with Russia fall under the broader One Belt , One Road strategy of increasing exports and investment in Central Asia , Mr Wang said .

  17. [王毅]我知道今天一定有人要提乌克兰的问题。我首先要告诉大家的是,中国在乌克兰问题上秉持公正和客观的态度,我们已经多次阐明了我们的立场。

    Wang Yi : First , let me tell you that China follows a just and objective position on the issue of Ukraine , and we have stated our position on multiple occasions .

  18. 王毅指出,这波拉美热的出现并非偶然,而是反映出当今世界新兴市场国家和发展中国家群体性崛起的时代潮流。

    Wang Yi pointed out that the emergence of this wave of Latin Heat is not an accidental event , but rather a reflection of the trend of the times that emerging markets and developing countries are group-rising in the world .

  19. 美国要求中国&朝鲜的亲密同盟一同组织朝鲜的网络黑客行动。美国国务卿与中国外交部长王毅周末探讨了这一问题。

    Washington has urged Beijing Pyongyang 's closest ally to help rein in the North 's cyber hacking activities , with US Secretary of State John Kerry speaking with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi over the weekend to discuss the problem .