
  • 网络Hung-I Wang
  1. 王弘毅是就读于机械工程与自动化专业的大四学生。

    Wang is a senior mechanical engineering and automation major .

  2. 自打记事以来,王弘毅就是个不折不扣的航模发烧友。

    Wang has been a plane model maniac since he can remember .

  3. 尽管这项工作着实不易,但王弘毅说对于精益求精的追求鼓舞着他们每一个人。

    Despite the hard work , Wang says they are fuelled by their passion for technological perfection .

  4. 作为一个科技怪咖,王弘毅经常将大部分业余时间花在实验室里。

    As a technology geek , Wang routinely spends most of his spare time in the laboratory .

  5. 但是如果王弘毅想到一个好点子,他会工作到凌晨两三点才去睡。

    But if Wang has a good idea , he postpones his bedtime to 2 or 3 am .

  6. 当王弘毅和组员们制作十六旋翼无人机时,他们一起住在实验室里。

    When Wang and his teammates were building the 16-propellered UAV , they lived together in the laboratory .

  7. 作为一个科技“怪咖”,王弘毅经常将大部分业余时间花在实验室里。

    As a technology " geek , " Wang routinely spends most of his spare time in the laboratory .

  8. 每天早晨6点半起床后,王弘毅会试飞航模,以此开始自己的一天。

    After getting up at 6 am , Wang starts his day by taking his aircraft for a test flight .

  9. 下午5点进行最后一次试飞后,王弘毅会对全天的试飞结果进行比较。

    The last test flight is at 5 pm , after which Wang compares all the day 's test flight results .

  10. 王弘毅说:我们尽可能多地待在一起,因为我们有成千上万的问题需要解决。

    We tried to spend as much time together as possible because there were thousands of problems that needed to be tackled , Wang says .

  11. 航模队为王弘毅提供了一个充分施展其才华的舞台。他所擅长的信息技术和物理知识是制作航模的支柱。

    The Aero-Sport Club gave full play to Wang 's strengths - information technology and physics , which are the pillars of making model aircrafts .

  12. 吴俊琦告诉王弘毅,他做的这个飞机模型属于“工业革命前的产物”,换句话说,它已经过时了。

    Wu told Wang that the plane he had built was a " pre-Industrial Revolution one " - in other words , it was outdated .

  13. 王弘毅说:我热爱信息技术和物理。正是出于这份热爱,我不断扩充着这些方面的知识,并利用这些知识来创造革新。

    I love IT and physics , and my way of loving them is constantly broadening my knowledge in these areas and using it to make a difference , Wang says .

  14. 在王弘毅拿着飞机模型去食堂的路上,上海交通大学航天航空学院讲师、该校航模队教练吴俊琦注意到了他。

    Wu Junqi , a lecturer at the school of aviation and astronautics and the coach of Shanghai Jiaotong University 's Aero-Sport Club , spotted Wang on his way to the canteen .