
  • 网络Wang Xuejun;XJ Wang;Wang X J
  1. YankeeGroup亚太区研究副总裁王学军说,这不是新的策略,但对新来者却是一项有效的做法。

    ' This is not a new strategy , but it is an effective one for a newcomer , 'says XJ Wang , vice president of Asia Pacific research at the Yankee Group .

  2. 王学军,湖北科技大学计算机专业的学生,他的同学们都认为他有点奇怪。

    Wang Xuejun , a Hubei University of Technology computer major , is considered a bit weird by his classmates .

  3. “我们在学校里学到的东西已经完全过时了,而且毫无用处,浪费时间,”23岁的王学军说。

    " What we learn in school is totally out of date , useless , and a waste of time ," said Wang , 23 .

  4. 王学军的一个同学,袁亮(音译),认为那些想以自己的方式走上成功之路的人必须要面对失败的风险。

    One of Wang 's classmates , Yuan Liang , thinks that people who want to go their own way on the path to success have to face the risk of failure .