
  1. 王博说,我赢得了他们的信赖,带给他们天使般的微笑和服务。

    I earn their trust and give them the smile and service of an angel , ' he says .

  2. 五星电器的一位购物专家王博(音)说,有六位顾客邀请他参加婚礼。

    One Five Star shopping expert , Wang Bo , says he has been invited to a half-dozen customer weddings . '

  3. 由王博提出了一种新型的点阵夹层结构&不连续十字型点阵夹层结构,具有轻质、抗冲击等优异性能,同时兼有易加工、可设计性强等特点。

    A new type of lattice sandwich structure & the sandwich structure with discontinuous cross-lattice-core has been put forward by Wang Bo , which has excellent mechanical properties , such as weight light , resistance to impact , and it is easy to process and design .