
  1. 最后总结出王逸对《离骚》文本的阐释是在严谨求实的治学精神基础之上的特殊的经学阐释,极大地实现了学术的当世价值。

    Finally we concluded that the interpretation to Li Sao by Wang Yi is a special study of Confucian classics which based on rigorous scholarship and truth-seeking spirit , had realized the academic present age value enormously .

  2. 《楚辞章句》是王逸对屈原及其赋解读的文本资料,王逸结合当时的经学特征和时代特点,希望通过章句楚辞的方式来实现治经的现实意义。

    Songs of the South is the interpretation of the text data by Wang Yi , Wang Yi at the time by the combination of characteristics and features of the times , hope to achieve Chapters Chu governance by way of practical significance .