
shuài lǐng
  • lead;head;command
率领 [shuài lǐng]
  • [lead; head; command] 带领

  • 率领军队

  • 率领代表团出国

率领[shuài lǐng]
  1. 特里•塞梅尔(TerrySemel)是率领雅虎抗击其机敏对手的合适人选?

    Is Terry Semel the right man to lead Yahoo ! against its nimbler rival ?

  2. 就像我们的“率领做了,”锁定橡皮擦的透明度,然后画刷透明度低沿边缘,白色和黑色,以减轻变暗(14C条)。

    Just like we did for the " lead ," lock the eraser 's transparency then paint with low opacity brushes along the edges , white to lighten and black to darken ( 14c ) .

  3. 斯科特率领的探险队的五名成员一直来到了南极。

    Five members of Scott 's expedition made it to the South Pole .

  4. 她率领全队取得胜利。

    She steered the team to victory .

  5. 他率领队伍取得了胜利。

    He skippered the team to victory .

  6. 基冈率领的球队现在领先西汉姆联队7分。

    Keegan 's team are now seven points clear of West Ham

  7. 亨特先生及他率领的管理小组加入了州长们的队伍。

    The governors were joined by Mr Hunter and his management team .

  8. 我知道你在二战期间率领一个步枪排。

    I know that you led a rifle platoon during the Second World War

  9. 他率领着一队可畏的斗士。

    He fronted a formidable band of fighters

  10. 拉米雷斯上尉率领的突击队从他们的右翼开火。

    The assault element , led by Captain Ramirez , opened up from their right flank .

  11. 他率领主力部队攻城。

    He led the main strength of his army against the city .

  12. 他率领了一个旅游团去欧洲了。

    He conducted a party of tourists to Europe .

  13. 他率领大部队进城。

    He marched into the city at the head of a large force .

  14. 少校率领3个连队进攻敌人。

    The major led three companies against the enemy .

  15. 总统指定他率领代表团。

    The president named him to head the delegation .

  16. 这支部队由他率领。

    This unit is under his command .

  17. 由一名中士率领的四名士兵埋伏在十字路口。

    Four men led by a sergeant lay in ambush at the crossroads .

  18. 也是在明代,由郑和率领的船队曾到印度洋进行了七次大规模探险航行。

    It was also in Ming dynastythat the fleet of ships led by ZhengHe expedited for seven times to the Indian Ocean on a large scale .

  19. 库珀率领国米杀入欧洲冠军联赛半决赛,历史性地与AC米兰一起上演了两回合的“欧洲德比”。

    Hector Cuper guides Inter to the semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League and a historic two-legged'Euroderby'with AC Milan .

  20. 血腥的战斗持续了三天,最后,罗伯特·E·李将军率领邦联军队进攻北部,以其失败结束了这场战役。

    Three bloody days of fighting ended in the failure of the Confederate army , led by General Robert E.Lee , to invade the North .

  21. 在他和球队共同奋战的13年间,迈克尔?乔丹率领公牛队获得了6次NBA总冠军。

    He led the Bulls to six world championships during his thirteen years with the team .

  22. 代表团由华盛顿州长克里斯汀·格雷格(ChristineGregorie)率领。

    The delegation is being led by Washington Governor Christine Gregoire .

  23. 而今,他将率领一支逾2900人nbc环球军团奔赴北京。

    Now he will be leading a 2900-strong NBC Universal army to Beijing .

  24. 而东映版蜘蛛侠的超能来自一只手镯,故事中他操纵着一部能变形的机器人与怪兽教授(ProfessorMonster)率领的邪恶势力作战。

    His alter ego , ' Supaidah Man , ' controls a giant transforming robot to battle an enemy named Professor Monster .

  25. 但格罗夫意志坚定,由康柏电脑(CompaqComputer)率领的新行业的迅速崛起提供了一个现成的市场。

    But Grove remained firm and the rapid emergence of a new industry , led by Compaq Computer , provided a ready market .

  26. 迈克尔乔丹告诉温弗瑞,她激励了自己。乔丹曾在上世纪90年代率领芝加哥公牛队夺取六次NBA冠军。

    Michael Jordan , who led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships during the 1990s , told Winfrey she inspires him .

  27. 近来,纽约市立学院(CityCollegeofNewYork)物理学家维诺德·梅农(VinodMenon)率领的一个团队,展示了基于超材料的高速开关LED的发光。

    More recently , a group at City College of New York , led by the physicist Vinod Menon , demonstrated light emission from ultrafast-switching LEDs based on metamaterials .

  28. 刘立清率领包括中国移动(chinamobile)、中国电信(chinatelecom)和中国联通(chinaunicom)在内的中国电信企业代表团,出席了在台北举办的首届海峡两岸通讯产业合作及交流会议。

    Mr Liu , chairman of the China Association of communications enterprises , led a delegation of Chinese telecommunications companies including China Mobile , China Telecom and China Unicom to the inaugural cross-strait telecommunications co-operation and exchange forum in Taipei .

  29. “这三个中国大个子都可以在NBA中打球,”前NBA明星、曾作为教练率领NBA退役明星访华比赛的瑞克·巴里如是说。

    " All three of China 's big guys can play in the NBA ," said former NBA star Rick Barry , who coached a group of retired NBA players on a Chinese tour .

  30. 在各方对朝鲜局势的关切不断升温之际,美国副国务卿詹姆斯斯坦伯格(jamessteinberg)昨日率领美国代表团抵达日本讨论朝鲜问题。

    Amid mounting concerns about the North Korean situation , James Steinberg , US Deputy Secretary of state , led a US delegation to Tokyo yesterday for talks on North Korea .