
  • 网络catnip;Cat Grass;stray cat
  1. 大卫是我的猫草,我的U形锁。

    David was catnip and kryptonite to me .

  2. 猫草可以证明是一个与你的猫一些共性问题的非常有用的工具。

    Catnip can prove to be a very useful tool for a few common problems with your cat .

  3. 在按键的缝隙撒上猫草种子。

    Sprinkle cat-grass seeds in the cracks between the keys .

  4. 猫草种子在宠物商店和一些杂货店有售。

    Cat-grass seeds are available at pet stores and in some grocery stores .

  5. 这就是为什麽你能找到猫草的瓶子或喷雾形式的一些宠物商店。

    This is the reason you are able to find Catnip in a bottle or spray form in some pet stores .