
ɡǒu yǎo shānɡ
  • Dog bite;bite of a dog
  1. 每年这个国家有5万多儿童被狗咬伤。

    Every year in this country more than 50,000 children are bitten by dogs

  2. 狂犬病狗咬伤颌面的处理

    Treatment of Maxillofacial Injury Bitten by Dog with Hydrophobia

  3. 颌面部狗咬伤的临床处理

    Clinical treatment of dog bites injury on maxillofacial area

  4. 颌面部狗咬伤急诊治疗53例临床分析

    Retrospective analysis of emergency treatment on 53 cases with oral and maxillofacial dog bite

  5. 她被家里的狗咬伤了。

    She was bitten by the family dog .

  6. 目的:探讨口腔颌面部狗咬伤急诊治疗的方法及疗效。

    Objective To explore methods of emergency treating dog bite cases and evaluate the efficacy .

  7. 他的腿被狗咬伤了。

    The dog cocked its hind leg . His leg has been injured by the bark .

  8. 我有个叔叔曾经担任过氮邮件得男狗咬伤。

    I have an uncle who worked as a mail man and got bitten by a dog .

  9. 湿性疗法治愈狗咬伤小腿皮肤感染坏死1例

    A case of dermatic infection and necrosis of leg skin by dog bite cured with moist therapy

  10. 然而就在还有七天就要出发的时候,小儿子被狗咬伤了。

    However , seven days before their departure , the youngest son was bitten by a dog .

  11. 邮件男子已被塑造成总是作为电影或卡通狗咬伤后。

    The mail man has been always portrayed in movies or cartoons as a biting post of dogs .

  12. 如不幸被狗咬伤,请即到医院处理伤口并打预防针。

    If , unfortunately , bitten by dog , please go to the hospital at once and get inoculated .

  13. 狗咬伤时,把狗关几天,如果还不好就杀掉它。

    For dog bite : Put the dog away for several days . If he has not recovered , then kill it .

  14. 他之所以对此感兴趣,起因于一名9岁男孩被狗咬伤10后来到他的诊所就医。

    His interest started when a nine-year-old boy came to his health clinic about ten days after being bitten by a dog .

  15. 我小时候被狗咬伤过,从那时起我就一直很害怕狗。

    I was bitten by a dog when I was younger . Ever since then I 've been really scared of them .

  16. 一项研究统计了从20世纪80年代到21世纪初被狗咬伤的人口数量,数据表明,所有的狗其实都很危险。

    A study of dog bite statistics from the 1980s to 2000s didn 't show any breed as being more dangerous than another .

  17. 在因动物咬伤而到急诊室就医的病例中,被狗咬伤占的比例更大,远远超过猫伤,但狗一般会造成另一种类型的危险。

    Dogs are involved in a far larger percentage of bite-related emergency-room visits , but they tend to pose a different type of hazard .

  18. 其中钝器切割伤14例,机器碾压伤26例,门夹伤1例,狗咬伤1例。

    14 cases were injuried by blunt cutting , 26 cases by inventory mangled injury , 1 case by door clip and1 case by dog bitting .

  19. 克拉克一家本来应该在那条船上的,但是因为儿子被狗咬伤了,他们一家被留在了苏格兰。

    The Clark family was to have been on that ship , but because the son had been bitten by a dog , they were left behind in Scotland .

  20. 结论:通过正确的急诊处理,可以为口腔颌面部狗咬伤患者较满意地恢复面部外形与功能,并可减少狂犬病感染机会。

    Conclusion By accurate emergency treating , the cases with oral and maxillofacial dog bite can achieve satisfied recovery of face shape and function , reduce the rate of rabies occurrence .

  21. 一个小女孩昨天被她家的狗严重咬伤了。

    A little girl was savagely mauled by her family 's dog yesterday .

  22. 据VeryFirstTo网站介绍,这件重量超轻的夹克可以保护你的狗不被咬伤,甚至可以防刀砍。

    According to the VeryFirstTo website , the super-lightweight garment is enough to protect your pooch from bites or even knife wounds .

  23. 让狗离开,免得咬伤那个男孩。

    Keep the dog away to stop it from biting the boy .

  24. 人类大多由于被病狗或病猫咬伤或抓伤后被感染上狂犬病。

    Humans most often become infected with rabies through the bite or scratch of an infected dog or cat .

  25. 你听说过狗毛的事吗?你听说过狗尾巴的毛可以治狗咬伤吗?

    Ever hear about the hair of the dog ?

  26. 该报报道称,绍兴同时面临着流浪狗和家养狗的问题,去年有超过7000起狗咬伤人的事件发生。

    The paper says Shaoxing has experienced problems with both stray and domestic dogs , with more than 7000 dog biting incidents registered last year .

  27. 此外,这些狗主需要购买第三方保险,万一他们的狗咬伤人,该保险可作赔偿之用,每年保费约140英镑。

    In addition , they will have to take out special third-party insurance-expected to cost about £ 140 a year-in the event that their pet causes anyone physical harm .