
tè shū yí wèn jù
  • wh-question
  1. 特殊疑问句一直是转换生成语法所研究的主要对象。

    Wh-question has been the main subject of the transformational generative grammar .

  2. 这八个主要类型的问题有特殊疑问句,陈述疑问句,正向是非问句,反向是非问句,含有情态词的是非问句,正反问句,附加疑问句,选择疑问句。

    The eight major types of questions are : wh-question , declarative question , positive yes-no question , negative yes-no question , yes-no question with modal auxiliaries , X not X question , tag question , and alternative question .

  3. 另外,一些特殊疑问句曾倒U形发展。

    Some wh-questions show U-shape developmental pattern .

  4. 英语中的特殊疑问句、间接问句、比较句等句子都被认为是通过wh移位生成。

    In English , wh-questions , indirect questions and comparatives are generated by virtue of wh-movement .

  5. 读特殊疑问句时用降调。

    We use the falling tone when we read special questions .

  6. 掌握特殊疑问句的基本结构。

    To help Ss master the basic structures of special questions .

  7. 英语特殊疑问句构成的限制条件

    The Constraint Condition on the Formation of English Special Questions

  8. 根据所学的特殊疑问句的结构翻译。

    Translate some sentences according to the basic structures of special questions .

  9. 让学生根据线索写出相关的特殊疑问句。

    Ask Ss to write down the special questions .

  10. 英朝特殊疑问句对比

    A Contrastive Study on Wh-Questions between English and Korean

  11. 请把这个句子改成一个特殊疑问句。

    Please change this sentence into a special question .

  12. 第五章考察了特殊疑问句之设问句。

    In the fifth chapter the author analyzes the rhetorical sentences in the special interrogation .

  13. 特殊疑问句是英语和朝鲜语共有的一种疑问句形式。

    Wh - question is one of the interrogative forms both in English and Korean .

  14. 特殊疑问句研究

    A Review of the Studies of WH-questions

  15. 目前关于英朝特殊疑问句的研究大多是运用转换生成语法中的一些理论去描述特殊疑问句。

    Most of the research on Wh-question is applied the theories from the transformational generative grammar .

  16. 幼儿对疑问词的理解&幼儿回答特殊疑问句的发展特点

    Young Children 's Understanding of Interrogatives & The Developmental Peculiarities of Answering wh Questions in young Children

  17. 英语特殊疑问句类析

    Classifications of Wh-questions in English

  18. 因而这一项研究的第一个任务是调查特殊疑问句在儿向语中的分布情况。

    Therefore , the first task of this analysis is to investigate the distributions of wh-questions in CDS .

  19. 英语特殊疑问句的习得研究一直是二语习得研究领域的热门话题。

    The acquisition of wh-questions has always been a hot issue in the field of second language acquisition .

  20. 第二章解释英语和汉语特殊疑问句、疑问词移动以及界限原则和空语类原则规律;

    Chapter Two interprets English and Chinese wh-questions , wh-movement as well as the principles of Subjacency and the ECP ;

  21. 在本文的第二章,分析了韩国语和汉语‘谁’在特殊疑问句中的句法对应关系。

    Second , Chinese , different from Korean or English , is Isolating Language with its semantic and Pragmatics features .

  22. 本研究以定量研究的方法为主,选取了105名非英语专业大一学生为被试,采用书面语法测试的形式,收集了英语简单特殊疑问句的中介语语料。

    The participants were 105 freshmen of non-English majors . The interlanguage corpus was collected from a written grammatical test .

  23. 因而,这一项研究的另一个任务是调查儿向语中的特殊疑问句是否也存在一些独特的特征。

    Thus , the second task of this analysis is to investigate whether wh-questions in CDS also have some special features .

  24. 双语儿童语法的交互发展&特殊疑问句建立过程的启示

    Interdependent Development in Bilingual Grammar Acquisition-What We Can Learn From a Case Study of Development of Wh-questions in an English-Cantonese Bilingual Child

  25. 虽然英,朝特殊疑问句表达的是相同的语言功能,但两者在语言结构上存在很大的差异。

    Although Wh-questions of English and Korean are all used on the same purpose , the two bear big differences in sentence structures .

  26. 本文的目的在于,通过对比研究,找出英朝特殊疑问句在语言结构上的相似以及不对应之处。

    The purpose of this paper is to find out the structural similarities and differences through the contrastive study on English and Korean Wh-questions .

  27. 然而先前的研究表明儿童一开始产出的特殊疑问句就将疑问词置与句首。

    However , previous studies found that children place wh-words at the initial position of wh-questions , which is in conflict with the prediction .

  28. 主持人的提问形式主要分为:设问句,特殊疑问句,选择性疑问句和反问句。

    The asking forms of the host can be mainly divided into : special question , selective question , rhetoric question and rhetorical question .

  29. 先前的研究发现儿向语中存在着大量的问句,但是到目前为止似乎还没有专门针对儿向语中的特殊疑问句的调查研究。

    Previous studies found that questions comprise a substantial proportion of child-directed speech . However , until now , to my knowledge , the properties of wh-questions in CDS are still left uninvestigated .

  30. 在本研究中,测试问题的问题类型由单一的一般疑问句式改为一般疑问句和特殊疑问句交替进行,而对比问题的内容也改为对被试经历过的模拟情境的回忆。

    In this research , the type of test question is changed to be general question and special question appearing alternately and the content of comparison question is the recalling of the scene .