
tè mài
  • be on sale
  1. 直接邮寄广告业在特卖品的包装方面已经变得非常熟练了。

    The direct marketing industry has become adept at packaging special offers .

  2. 大衣五折特卖。

    The coat is on sale at a50 % discount .

  3. 提供的这些东西未必是亏本特卖品,因为它们增强了廉价食品店对食客群体,包括不想吃汉堡的人们的吸引力。

    These offerings are not necessarily loss-leaders , as they broaden the appeal of outlets to groups of diners that include some people who don 't want to eat a burger .

  4. “快闪商店”的店铺是临时租用的,今天这个店铺在做样品特卖,明天晚上可能就在举行私人鸡尾酒会了。某一天突然开张的“快闪商店”,在一天或几周后就会消失得无影无踪。

    A pop-up retail space is a venue party the next evening . The trend involves " popping up " one day , then disappearing anywhere from one day to several weeks later .

  5. 生活骇客网站上有许多非常详细综合的Steam特卖指南的文章。

    Lifehacker wrote a pretty comprehensive Steam Sale guide .

  6. 最近的Steam特卖采用的新的政策就是“你看的就是你能买到的”。

    Recent Steam Sales have adopted a " what you see is what you get " policy .

  7. 啊!今天ABC百货公司在特卖。

    Oh , ABC Supermarket is having a sale today .

  8. 上次是参加橡树百货公司(Oak)的特卖会,那次特别疯狂。

    I went to one at Oak , which was crazy .

  9. 如果苹果(Apple)有朝一日真的决定推出电视机,我敢打赌它一定会大卖特卖。

    If ( and when ) apple finally decides to introduce a TV set , you can bet sales will be big .

  10. 就在“网购星期一特卖日”(CyberMonday)之前的一天,贝佐斯披露了亚马逊的无人机送货计划,难道这个主意还不够棒吗?

    Coming up with the drone story the day before Cyber Monday , how good is that ?

  11. 我只是在这里正在读我《纽约时报》的特卖书《SomedaySomedayMaybe》

    I am just here , you know , just reading the New York Times special seller Someday Someday Maybe

  12. 所以,PC制造商们试图给自身产品增添一些更具吸引力的功能&比如触摸屏以及方便移动的设计,这些正是智能手机和平板电脑大卖特卖的关键元素。

    So PC manufacturers are trying to inject some sex appeal into their lineups by adopting features that have made runaway hits of smartphones and tablets & namely Touchscreens and mobile-friendly designs .

  13. 去年末,当亚马逊(Amazon)KindleFire大卖特卖时,人们相信它能真正威胁到iPad。

    Late last year , when the Amazon ( AMZN ) kindle fire was selling well , it was believed that it could be a credible iPad threat .

  14. 我上次参加的是CommedesGarçons的样品特卖会,那是一年多以前。

    The last one I went to was Comme des Gar ç ons , which was more than a year ago .

  15. 本月早些时候,沃尔玛及其竞争对手塔吉特(Target)和西尔斯百货(Sears)等,都宣布特卖会将从周四晚开始,而不是周五的凌晨。

    Earlier this month , Wal-Mart and its competitors , including target ( TGT ) and Sears ( shld ) , announced that bargain specials would start Thursday evening instead of the pre-dawn hours of Friday .

  16. 我上次参加的是CommedesGar&231;ons的样品特卖会,那是一年多以前。

    The last one I went to was Comme des Gar & # 231 ; ons , which was more than a year ago .

  17. 几年前,我去过吉尔·桑达(JilSander)的特卖会,天特别冷。

    I did a Jil Sander one once a couple of years ago and that was freezing .

  18. 凯西·弗雷斯顿说她最爱的淘货地点是TargetT品牌店,艾丽西亚·凯斯推荐巴尼时装店的仓库特卖,而利齐·蒂施则青睐易趣网。

    Kathy Freston said her bargainhunting favorite was TargetT , Alicia Keys said Barney 's warehouse sale , and Lizzie Tisch named eBay .

  19. 该商店下星期有个用具特卖会。

    The shop is having a sale on appliances next week .

  20. 在每年的这个时刻,各地的商店都有特卖活动。

    During this time of year , stores everywhere have sales .

  21. 那表示山姆古迪商店的大特卖结束了?

    Does that mean the Sam Goody 's sale is over ?

  22. 这一季你去过其他的样品特卖会吗?

    Have you gone to other sample sales this season ?

  23. 大批顾客涌进新购物商场的特卖会。

    Shoppers flocked to the sale at the new mall .

  24. 使他能不停地大卖特卖

    And enabled him to sell , sell , sell .

  25. 我还去过王大仁的H&M服装特卖会。

    I also went to the Alexander Wang for H & M sale .

  26. 夏季大特卖,买一送三。

    A special sale in this summer , buy one and get three free .

  27. 比起高级时装她更像是廉价特卖品

    Mm ... Bargain basement than haute couture .

  28. 我们去血拼吧!百货公司正在大特卖。

    Let 's go shopping ! The department store is having a big sale .

  29. 杂货店在特卖呢

    They 're on sale at the bodega .

  30. 零件特卖,先生先生,零件便宜卖。

    Dad gum . Part for sales , monsieur . Monsieur , part for sale .