
  • 网络Logistics Demand Analysis
  1. 物流需求分析是物流规划、布局和建设过程中的一个核心问题。

    Logistics demand analysis is a core problem in logistics planning .

  2. 基于价值量的物流需求分析与预测方法研究

    A Value - Based Research Method for Logistics Demand Analysis and Forecast

  3. 区域物流需求分析&以长江三角洲南通地区为例

    Analysis of Regional MF Demand & Taking Nantong City for Example

  4. 中小型企业的物流需求分析

    Analysis of the Logistics Requirements in Small & Medium Enterprises

  5. 大连港现代物流需求分析与发展研究

    Research on the Need and Development of Modern Logistics of Dalian Port

  6. 基于产业结构的区域物流需求分析

    Analysis on Regional Logistics Demand Based on Industrial Structure

  7. 区域物流需求分析集对聚类预测模型研究

    Study on the Set Pare Analysis Classified Prediction Model for Analyzing Regional Logistics Demand

  8. 物流需求分析与物流量研究

    Research on Logistics Demand Analysis and Logistics Volume

  9. 区域物流需求分析模型及其算法

    Regional Logistics Demand Analysis Model and Solution

  10. 天津十一五物流需求分析

    Analysis on Tianjin Logistics Demand in the Period of " the Eleventh Five-year Plan "

  11. 在物流需求分析过程中,常常是对物流需求量和物流需求结构进行分析,特别是对物流量的需求分析。

    In the process of logistics demand analysis , the logistics demand volume and logistics demand structure are usually investigated , especially the demand volume .

  12. 物流需求分析是区域物流规划中的一项重要内容,因此,本文把区域物流规划中的物流需求分析作为重点内容进行研究。

    Demand analysis is one of the important parts in regional logistics planning . So , these paper chiefly researches into the logistics demand of logistics planning .

  13. 国外一些专家学者对此做了不少探索和研究,特别是在物流需求分析上有不少模型和解法,国内近年也有一些针对物流需求预测与物流规划的研究。

    Experts overseas as well as home have been studying the logistical demand forecast and planning , especially several models and solutions have been got on demand analysis .

  14. 提出大中城市在进行物流需求分析时,必须基于所处地理区位和经济区位,以及应从长远考虑的可持续发展分析思想。

    Also , it emphasized that the MF demand analysis of the cities should be based on their geographic area and economic area , and should be considered with the long_term aims .

  15. 本文参考了宏观经济预测和交通需求预测的有关方法,构造了多区间投入产出模型和空间价格均衡模型相结合的区域物流需求分析模型。

    Consulting to the methods of macro economic forecast and traffic demand forecast , a regional logistics demand analysis model is found combining multiple zones input output model with spatial price equilibrium model .

  16. 通过物流需求分析,为社会物流活动提供物流能力供给不断满足物流需求的依据,以保证物流服务的供给与需求之间的相对平衡,使社会物流活动保持较高的效率与效益。

    It not only provides social logistics activity with capacity supply and meets the requirements of logistics demand , but also guarantees the equilibrium between supply and demand of logistics service in order to keep the logistics activity efficient and effective .

  17. 第四部分是战略定位部分,通过对物流需求分析和物流量预测,比较贵阳市物流发展存在的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁,做出短期内物流发展目标。

    On the fourth part is the strategic positioning , through the demand for logistics analysis and logistics forecasts , and compared with the development of logistics in Guiyang existing strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats , it made a short period of Logistics Development Goals .

  18. 中国加入WTO后工业企业的物流服务需求分析&上海浦东新区案例

    The analysis of logistics serving demands in industry corporations after joining the WTO

  19. 河南省工业企业物流需求状况分析

    The Analysis of Industrial Enterprise 's Logistics Demand in Henan Province

  20. 北京奥运物流技术需求分析

    Analysis on Logistics Technology Demand in Beijing Olympic Games

  21. 甘肃省物流需求规模分析

    Forecast and Analysis for Logistic Demand in Gansu Province

  22. 浅论物流园区需求分析

    On Demand Analysis of Logistics Park

  23. 基于区域经济发展的闽粤赣经济区物流需求现状分析

    Analysis of the Logistics Demand of Fujian , Guangdong and Jiangxi Economic Area Which Based on Regional Economic Development

  24. 对物流需求进行分析的同时,构建了较为全面的物流需求指标体系,同时利用多种预测方法对各个指标进行了动态预测,最后建立了物流需求供给匹配模型。

    The paper establishes the logistics demand index system , dynamically forecasts each index using several forecasting methods and establishes the matching model between logistics demand and supply .

  25. 探讨了物流园区需求分析的意义及其主要特征,并以大庆物流园区需求分析为例,介绍了采用情景分析法对物流园区需求量进行预测的具体步骤。

    The paper discusses the meaning of demand analysis and the main characteristics of logistics parks . Taking the demand analysis of Daqing Logistics Park as an example , it puts forward the concrete steps to use scenarios analysis to forecast the demand volume of the parks .

  26. 基于BP神经网络的北京物流需求预测及分析

    Prediction and Analysis on Logistics Demand in Beijing Based on BP Neural Network

  27. 汽车配件物流节点的需求分析与管理研究

    Demand Analysis and Management Studying of Logistics Node of Automobile Spare-parts

  28. 基于贝叶斯组合模型的物流需求预测及分析

    Forecasting and Analysis of Logistics Demand Based on Bayesian Combined Model

  29. 佛山市产业发展对物流人才需求的分析

    The Demand of the Industrial Development in Foshan for Logistical Talents

  30. 我国物流市场需求供给分析

    The Analysis of the Demand and Supply of Civil Logistics Market