
  1. AGV是自动化物流运输系统、柔性生产组织系统的关键设备,对我国企业传统生产模式改造、增强市场竞争力、提高经济效益具有重要价值。

    AGV is the key equipment of automatic material flow system and flexible manufacturing system .

  2. 同时,随着物流运输系统、公众出行交通信息服务系统对路径规划需求的上升,在Internet环境下,如何构建高效合理的动态路径规划系统成为大家研究的重点。

    As the demand of planning path rising in logistics and transport systems and public transportation information service , how to build effective and rational dynamic path planning system in the Internet environment becomes a focus of the study .

  3. 基于ITS的现代物流运输系统的研究

    Research on Modern Logistics and Transportation System Based on ITS

  4. 上汽大众零部件物流运输系统的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Parts Logistics Transport System of Volkswagen of Shanghai

  5. 物流运输系统中路径优化研究

    Research on Path Optimization of Logistics Transportation System

  6. 智能物流运输系统

    Intelligent Logistics Transportation System

  7. 基于B/S模式的成品车物流运输系统作业费用的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Task Charge in Vehicle Logistics Transportation System Based on B / S Technique

  8. 智能化电梯式立体车库是集自动化控制技术、机器人技术、计算机技术等高新技术为一体的物流运输系统。

    Based on automatics technology , robotics technology and computer technology , elevator garage is an intelligent stereo car-storing and retrieving system .

  9. 研究所目前重点开展智能化物流运输系统、汽车安全辅助驾驶装置的研发。

    At present , the institute concentrates on the development of intelligent auto logistics system and the vehicle safety assistant driving system .

  10. 第二章围绕物流运输系统规划与管理理论进行探讨,主要叙述运输的合理化问题;

    Chapter two plan to carry on the discussion with the management theory around the transportation system of the logistics , narrate the rationalized question in transported mainly ;

  11. 通过对智能物流运输系统的分析,建立智能物流运输信息融合模型,并分析了信息融合技术在智能物流运输中的应用。

    A model of information fusion in intelligent logistics transportation was set up through the analysis of the intelligent logistics transportation system . The application of information fusion technology in logistics transportation system was farther discussed .

  12. 第三章则以上汽大众为研究对象,分析当前物流运输系统现状,探讨可改进的物流运输系统,并提出上汽大众零部件运输系统的运作方式的模型及设计方案。

    Chapter three , the above-mentioned Volkswagen is research objects , analyze the transportation system current situation of present logistics , probe improved logistics transportation system , and put forward to operation model and way of design plan of part of transportation system .

  13. 分析了重庆物流运输系统现状及技术经济特点,运用现代物流运输知识,提出了发展重庆农产品物流运输的若干建议,以构建现代农产品物流运输系统,实现运输系统的综合发展。

    The present conditions and characteristic of Chongqing city agricultural products logistics transport system was analyzed . Some suggestions about developing Chongqing city agricultural products logistics transport were put forward to construct modern agricultural products logistics transport system and realize transport system integration development .

  14. 基于JavaME的零担物流运输信息系统

    Less-Than-Truckload Transportation Logistics Information System Based on Java ME

  15. 基于GPS/GIS的物流运输管理系统的实现技术

    Technology of Logistics Transportation Management System Based on GPS / GIS

  16. 口岸国际物流运输管理系统的研究与实现

    Development and Research of Transportation Management System of Port International Logistics

  17. 零担物流运输信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Less-than-truckload Transportation Logistics Information System Based on Java ME

  18. 物流运输管理系统及IT技术在其中的应用

    Application of IT Technology in Logistics Transportation Management System

  19. 本文第一章主要内容为现代物流、运输系统的基本知识以及汽车零部件物流的研究现状。

    The main content of chapter one of this text is the research current situations of ABC of logistics , transportation system and part logistics of automobile .

  20. 本论文所要完成的工作是:对第三方物流运输信息管理系统进行分析与设计,为第三方物流企业提供一个关于运输管理的解决方案。

    The work of this thesis is to be : analyze and design the Transport Information Management System of Third Party Logistics , offer one solution of transport management for Third Party Logistics enterprise .

  21. 本文分析运输管理信息系统的目标及开发的基本原则,并对第三方物流运输管理信息系统进行的关键业务流程如业务受理、计划调度、在途管理及客户管理等流程进行分析与设计;

    And then analyze the goal of the Transport Management Information System and basic principle of development at first , and then analyzing the key business of transport management of Third Party Logistics , such as accept the business , the plan dispatcher , online management and customer management , etc.

  22. 物流配送运输计算机调度系统设计研究

    Design in Computerized Delivery Scheduling System

  23. 为了降低第三方物流信息系统运输子系统设计的复杂性,在系统结构设计中,将运输子系统分为业务系统、监控、查询与统计、财务接口与运费调整的审核5个部分;

    In order to reduce the complexity of the transportation subsystem design of third-party logistics information system in the system structure design , the transportation subsystem was divided into five parts , such as business system , monitor , query and statistic , finance interface and transportation fee adjustment ;

  24. 在系统的物流管理中心,物流运输管理信息系统的GPS功能模块负责与移动通信链路及车载终端的信息进行交互,完成各种信息的分类及定位信息的派发。

    In the Logistics Management Center of the system , the GPS function module of Logistics Transportation Management Information System is in charge of information exchange with mobile communication and On-vehicle Terminal , information classification and transmitting location information .

  25. 结合物流业务特点,构筑了智能物流运输系统框架。

    A framework of intelligent logistics transportation system is built according to operational requirement of logistics .

  26. 为此,许多国家正在研究管道物流系统,特别是城市地下管道物流运输系统,更是一个十分新颖的研究领域。

    Due to this , many countries are studying freight transportation system through pipeline , especially the freight transportation and distribution system through underground in the urban area , which is thoroughly a new research area .

  27. 在现代物流装备中车载传感系统是整个物流车辆运输管理系统的核心环节,起着重要的作用。

    In the modern logistics equipment , vehicle-mounted sensor system plays an important role in the logistics vehicle transport management system .

  28. 其中在物流社会运作能源消耗一节中详细地就物流运输系统、物流中心和港口物流的能源消耗进行了详细的分析。

    Then it analyzed energy consumption in logistics platform as well as in logistics ' social operation .

  29. 随着煤炭物流运输网络的复杂化,煤炭物流运输不畅及系统风险越来越成为制约煤炭及运输产业结构调整与升级的瓶颈之一。

    With the complex of the coal transportation network , poor logistics and transport of coal and system risk have become one of the bottlenecks of industrial restructuring and upgrading the transport .

  30. 本文还就物流对运输配套设施规划的影响以及电子商务与物流、运输系统的相互影响进行了简单的探讨。

    The influence of logistics on the planning of transportation supporting facilities is provided simply , the influence is discussed among the Electronic Commence , logistics and transportation system either .