
  • 网络Logistics System Planning
  1. 中国传统企业发展CM模式的物流系统规划研究

    The Study of Logistics System Planning for Chinese Traditional Enterprises Reforming to CM Mode

  2. 基于供应链的港口物流系统规划方法研究

    Research on Port Logistics System Planning Method Based on Supply Chain

  3. 物流系统规划设计方法综述

    Review of Methods of the Planning for the Logistic Chain Network

  4. 大规模外贸物流系统规划计算方法研究

    On the Plan Calculation Method of Larger Foreign Trade Logistical System

  5. 北京奥运物流系统规划的研究

    Research on the Programming Beijing Olympic Games and Olympics Logistics System

  6. 制造业生产物流系统规划与调度技术研究

    Research on Planning and Scheduling Technology of Manufacturing Production Logistics System

  7. 城市生活垃圾收运物流系统规划的编制

    Drawing up of Domestic Waste Collection and Transport Logistics Developing Programme

  8. 重庆港口物流系统规划研究

    Research on Logistic System Planning of the Ship Port of Chongqing

  9. 港口集装箱物流系统规划与仿真建模方法的研究与实现

    The Research of Scheduling and Simulation Modeling of Seaport Container Logistics System

  10. 物流系统规划-仿真集成化技术研究

    Research on the Logistics System Planning and Integrated Simulation Technology

  11. 《物流系统规划与设计》课程改革的探讨

    Research on the Reform of the Course Logistics System Planning and Design

  12. 集装箱自动化码头物流系统规划与仿真

    Design and Simulation of Logistics System on Automated Container Terminals

  13. 区域农产品物流系统规划研究与评价

    Planning Research and Evaluation of Regional Agricultural Products Logistics System

  14. 中心城市现代物流系统规划框架研究

    On the Planning Framework of Modern Urban Distribution Center

  15. 物流系统规划课程设计的设置研究

    Research on the Curriculum of " Design of Logistics System Planning Course "

  16. 集装箱堆场物流系统规划研究

    Research on the Planning of Container Yard Logistics System

  17. 基于数据融合技术与演化策略的现代物流系统规划

    Programming of Modern Logistics Systems Based on Data Fusion Technology and Evolution Strategies

  18. 本文对区域物流系统规划中的若干问题进行了研究。

    This paper selects some issues in planning region logistics system to study .

  19. 废旧电器的逆向物流系统规划模型研究

    Study on the Model of Reverse Logistics System Planning for Waste Electrical Appliance

  20. 城市物流系统规划研究&以无锡市为例

    To Study on City Logistics System Planning & Take Wuxi City for Example

  21. 企业物流系统规划及投资决策分析

    Enterprise Logistics System Programming and Investment Decision Analysis

  22. 甘肃省烟草公司物流系统规划与设计

    Programming and Design of Gansu Tobacco Logistics System

  23. 关于物流系统规划若干关键技术的研究

    Research on Key Issues in Logistics Systems Planning

  24. 最后阐述了重庆港物流系统规划发展对策和实施的措施。

    Last , the development countermeasures of logistics system planning and implementary measures have been explained .

  25. 最后,还对废旧家电逆向物流系统规划进行了论述。

    At last , we also discuss the system planning of reverse logistics of disused household appliance .

  26. 配送系统的规划是企业销售物流系统规划的重要组成部分。

    The planning of distribution system is the important content of the planning of the business logistics .

  27. 本文研究了一个物流系统规划中的配送系统优化模型。这个配送系统由一个供货方和多个需求方组成。

    A contributing and delivery system consisting of one supplier and many demanders is considered in the planning stage .

  28. 而区域或枢纽城市物流系统规划,正是实现这一目标的重要前期工作。

    However area logistic system or center city system program is an important preparing working in achieving the goal .

  29. 最后提出了区域物流系统规划的技术路线、区域物流系统目标和评价指标体系。

    Finally , make the technical route , goal , and appraisement index system of planning region logistics system .

  30. 做好钢铁企业物流系统规划获取“第三利润源”

    Make a good plan of logistics system of the iron and steel enterprises and obtain " third profit source "