
  • The Story of Love;【电影】Povestea dragostei
  1. 在出版商和编辑团队的帮助下,J.K.罗琳改变了现代文学的面貌,创作了一个被全球各地的孩子和成年人都认可、并深爱的故事。

    With the help of a close knit group of publishers and editors , Rowling changed the face of modern literature and created a unifying story that both children and adults across the globe identify with and love deeply .

  2. 《晚餐:一个爱的故事》和《晚餐:游戏手册》(Dinner:ThePlaybook)的作者、家庭烹饪的女祭司珍妮·罗森施特拉赫(JennyRosenstrach)不仅记录自己的转变,还想让她的读者们也发生转变。

    As the high priestess of family cooking , Jenny Rosenstrach , author of " Dinner : A Love Story " and " Dinner : The Playbook , " aims to bring about conversions in her readers and not just chronicle her own . In the opening to " Dinner : A Love Story ,

  3. 而它们最爱的故事莫过于势均力敌的两家公司之间的竞争。

    And among the most beloved narratives is a good horserace .

  4. 林合隆解释说:这毕竟是一个关于爱的故事。

    The story is about love , after all , Lin explains .

  5. “用她的双唇温柔地描绘着爱的故事”

    " With the story of love playing softly on her lips . "

  6. 他把书取名为《爱的故事》。

    He entitled the book " Love Story " .

  7. 这是个有关海伦和我的,我们业已凋落的爱的故事。

    It was a story of Helen and I , of our faded love .

  8. 这是一个爱的故事。

    It is a story of love .

  9. 其实,这是一个很有爱的故事。

    It 's actually a sweet story .

  10. 其实我们生活着的城市,也到处上演着这样爱的故事。

    In fact such kinds of love stories also present in the cities we are living in .

  11. 我们这个“联合国”团队今年帮助孩子们准备了一出歌舞剧,剧情是一个有关希望和爱的故事。

    We-an international team-helped the children to put together a musical , with a story about hope and love .

  12. 每当人们再一次讲述简·爱的故事,我们似乎总希望能从一个更具启发意义的角度来呈现。

    Every time the tale of Jane Eyre is told it seems we are hoping to tell it from a place of greater enlightenment

  13. 如果说文字也是一种生命,那么这部书,说的是一个爱的故事。

    If words could breathe , then this book told of a story of love which is genuine and warm , loving and tender .

  14. 即使人类的电视或电影里可能制造出爱的故事,潜藏底下的思想形态却并没有充盈人们的心灵。

    Even though there may be loving stories produced upon television or in human movies , the underlying thought-form does not fill the human heart .

  15. 每晚睡前,我都喜欢读一篇爱的故事,把自己融化在爱里,对夜歌唱爱的乐曲。

    Every night , I like reading a love story before I go to bed to melt myself in love and sing its melody to the night .

  16. 假如你看懂了人,就像在那拥挤房间中的男孩及女孩后来的一样,也许就会变成爱的故事。

    And if you read the person right , as the boy and girl in the crowded room later discovered , it just might turn into a love story .

  17. 这是一个有关爱的故事,有关变幻莫测的复杂和超凡脱俗的简单,有关一个永远的承诺,有关蛊惑、虔诚和伟大。

    This is a story about love . About inscrutable complexity and remarkable simplicity , about the promise of forever . It is about obsession and devotion , and grand gestures .

  18. 然而,如果一个刚释放的精神要进行这个过程,并不都是关于爱的故事,因为那些还有未解决的问题的人也在欢迎灵魂的通道上。

    Had the processing of the newly released spirit proceeded , it is not all a love story , however , as those with issues are also there to greet the soul 's passage .

  19. 虽然他一言未发,但却似乎是在大声宣告:“谢谢你带给我这个可爱的孩子。”抑或是一些更加温情的言语&此刻正在上演一幕绝对虔诚的爱的故事。

    Though he spoke no words , he might as well have shouted out loud ," Thank you for this child ," or maybe something even more seductive , for these moments revealed an absolute and reverent love story .

  20. 我完全相信,小说家的任务是通过写故事来不断试图理清每个个体灵魂的独特性——生与死的故事,爱的故事,使人哭泣、使人害怕得发抖和捧腹大笑的故事。

    I truly believe it is the novelist 's job to keep trying to clarify the uniqueness of each individual soul by writing stories --- stories of life and death , stories of love , stories that make people cry and quake with fear and shake with laughter .

  21. 这也就是为什么可以做到像俗语所说的:「看一个人像读一本书一样。」假如你看懂了一个人,就像在那拥挤房间中的男孩及女孩后来发现的一样,也许就会变成一个爱的故事。

    That 's why it 's possible , as the saying goes , to " read someone like a book . " And if you read the person right , as the boy and girl in the crowded room later discovered , it just might turn into a love story .

  22. 我妈没跟你说过吗这是她最爱讲的故事了

    My mother didn 't tell you ? It 's her favorite story

  23. 《断臂山》讲述了一个关于“深爱”的故事。

    " Brokeback Mountain " describes a story of " deeply love " .

  24. 我爱你的故事。

    I love your stories , okay ?

  25. 故事发生在1915年的澳大利亚,记载了在一个美丽又倔强的年轻姑娘和一位牧师之间发生的禁忌之爱的传奇故事。

    Set in 1915 Australia , this remarkable saga chronicles the forbidden love between a beautiful , headstrong young girl and a priest .

  26. 这部电影是一个扣人心弦的爱与恨的故事。

    The film is a gripping story of love and hate .

  27. 亚历克斯总是爱渲染自己的故事。

    Alex always tends to embroider his stories a little .

  28. 我的潜意识编织着一个爱与失的故事。

    My subconscious mind was weaving a tale of love and loss .

  29. 这是一个关于爱和死亡的故事!

    It is a story of love and death !

  30. 充满爱与灵魂的故事往往能打动人们的心。

    But a story with love and soul can always touch the heart .