
  • 网络Love is the only one;Only Love;She's the One;I Swear;Love Is The Answer;Across the Universe
  1. 爱是唯一一个选择留下的。

    Love was the only one who stayed .

  2. 爱是唯一能够把敌人变成朋友的力量!

    Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend .

  3. 爱是唯一不能实行每周五天工作制的产业。

    Love is the only industry which can 't operate on a five-day week .

  4. 如果我们的爱是唯一意志拥有,这不是爱。

    If our love is only a will to possess , it is not love .

  5. 爱是唯一的解决之道。

    Love is the only solution .

  6. 他们的爱是他们唯一在乎的真相。

    Their love is the only truth that matters to them .

  7. 我们付出的爱是我们唯一长久拥有的爱。

    The love we give away is the only love we keep .

  8. 爱是人唯一有理性的行为。

    Love is the only reasonable , activity of man .

  9. 爱,是唯一能占领和充满永恒的东西。

    Love , that is the only thing that can occupy and fill eternity .

  10. 自从爱是我们唯一的希望。

    Since love is our only hope .

  11. 爱是我唯一的秘密。

    Love is my only secret .

  12. 爱你是我唯一最想做的事!

    I want to get your heart ! do you know ?

  13. 你的爱是我今生唯一的渴求。

    The only thing I expect on the world is your love .

  14. 爱你是我唯一重要的事,莱斯特小姐。

    Loving you is the important thing , Miss Lester .

  15. 事实上,爱是存在的唯一情感。

    Love is really the only emotion which should exist .

  16. 爱真的是唯一值得冒的险。

    Love is truly the only risk worth taking .

  17. 爱是孤独的唯一救赎。

    Love is the only redemption .

  18. 它值得你去冒险…因为在生命中,爱真的是唯一值得冒的险。

    It is worth the risk ... For in all of life , Love is truly the only risk worth taking .

  19. 当爱已逝,它是唯一的声响。

    It 's the only sound now love 's gone .

  20. 爱不应该是这唯一的真相吗?

    Shouldn 't love be the only truth ?

  21. 大家都把这些和爱混淆了。但其实,爱是这个世界上唯一能够抹去伤痕、并让一个人重新开心起来的东西。

    Everyone gets these things confused with love , but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again .