
  1. 这个角色来自澳大利亚作家兼导演本?扬的《爱的猎犬》,《卫报》称,这是一部“令人毛骨悚人的恐怖片”。

    This feature debut from the Australian writer / director Ben Young is a " bone-chilling horror-thriller , " according to The Guardian ;

  2. 对我来说,爱在身患残疾的儿子们给我的每一个拥抱里,在女儿对我的冷笑话给予的微笑里,爱在我的老猎犬和新宠物狗崇拜的目光中,在我胸前小憩喵咪的呼噜声中。

    It is there every time my handicapped sons give me a hug . It is there every time my daughter laughs at one of my dumb jokes . It is there in the adoring eyes of my old beagle and my new puppy . It is there in the purring cat that naps on my chest .