
  • 网络Love Doctrine
  1. 陈司翰全新诠释爱情主义

    Doctrine of love Victor

  2. 当然,爱情浪漫主义者总是认为爱情是一种特殊的化学,而正是科学家们,现在开始展示出了这一看法是如何的千真万确。

    Romantics , of course , have always known that love is a special sort of chemistry . Scientists are now beginning to show how true this is .

  3. 现代爱情和崇尚个人主义的社会的核心概念

    as part of modern love and individualistic societies .

  4. 社会情爱小说、当代女性作家、爱情至上、女性主义、两性关系;

    Social Love Stories ; Contemporary Female Vlriters ; Love Is Supreme ; Feminism ; Relation Between Both Sexes ;

  5. 从小说中折射出作者作为一个女性对浪漫爱情的幢憬,对婚姻的独立意识,对无奈现实的伤感,以及对待爱情婚姻的理性主义态度。

    These stories reveal her rational attitude about romantic love , marriage , and helpless reality .