
  • 网络Irish independence movement
  1. 他爱慕着爱尔兰独立运动成员、原始的女性主义者茅德·冈(MaudGonne),数十年如一日;

    He spent decades in love with the Irish nationalist and proto-feminist Maud Gonne ;

  2. 此后,他成为英国国会议员,并成为爱尔兰独立运动的积极支持者。

    He later became a member of Parliament and an ardent proponent of Irish independence .

  3. 诗人卷入爱尔兰民族独立运动和领导爱尔兰文艺复兴运动后,唯美主义、神秘主义和宗教思想明显减弱,现实主义入世精神显著增强,并成为主流。

    After his plunge into the Irish National Independent Movement and his leadership to the Irish Renaissant Movement of Literature and Art , his aestheticism , mysticism and religious ideology obviously weakens and his realism obviously strengthens and becomes the main current .