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  1. 听着!你知道seema爱不爱你吗?

    Listen ! Do you know if seema loves you or not ?

  2. 你之前问我爱不爱卢卡斯。

    You asked me earlier today if I love lucas .

  3. “那么你到底爱不爱他?”

    " Well , are you in love with him ?"

  4. 说实在的,真的很难确定到底爱不爱一个人。

    It is really tough to define love for one .

  5. 不管你爱不爱他,至少他在你的心里面!

    Whatever you love him , at least he in your heart !

  6. 但我不确定他爱不爱我

    But I not sure he luv me or not

  7. 你要知道他爱不爱我吗?

    You want to know if he loved me ?

  8. 我想知道他爱不爱我。

    I want to know if he loves me .

  9. 我问你爱不爱我,你都没法回答。

    I asked you if you loved me , and you couldn 't answer .

  10. 他爱不爱她?

    And how does he feel about her ?

  11. 谁关心我爱不爱橄榄球啊?

    Who cares if I like football ?

  12. 在富人爱不爱睡觉问题上,人们心目中着两种冲突的答案。

    There are two conflicting stereotypes when it comes to the activity levels of the wealthy .

  13. 别和我绕弯子了-我想知道你爱不爱我!

    Don 't play games with me-I want to know if you love me or not !

  14. 爱不爱,这个可能很难回答,但是,当你真正认识了一个人,爱情,自然就降临了。

    It may not work out but as you get to know a person love comes .

  15. 这问题很简单,你爱不爱他嘛?

    Well , it 's a simple question . Do you love the guy or not ?

  16. 倘若你明白问她爱不爱你,或许她会告诉你。

    If you ask point blank whether she loves you , maybe she 'll tell you .

  17. 并不介意爱不爱我。

    Never mind about loving me .

  18. 我知道无论你爱不爱我,我都会一如既往的爱你。

    I knew regardless of you do love me , I all can as always love you .

  19. 别激动,亲爱的。我只想知道你爱不爱我。

    Don 't be excited , dear . I just want to know if you love me .

  20. 如果你怀疑神到底爱不爱你,你只需要想一想耶稣就知道了。

    If you ever wondered if God really loved you , you only need to think about Jesus .

  21. 世界上最远的距离,不是你不确定我爱不爱你。

    The most distant way in the world is not that you 're not sure I love you .

  22. 我那点经验叫我明白了些,什么爱不爱的,反正男人可怕。

    I have learned from that little experience of mine & love or not love , men were monsters .

  23. 他从小长大还是头一次扪心自问:他究竟爱不爱他父亲。

    For the first time since he was a little boy he asked himself whether he loved his father or not .

  24. 他们同寝共食,甚至主人们爱不爱社交生活,也会影响它们的行为。

    They sleep at the same time , eat at the same time , and can even become more or less social depending on the behavior of their owners .

  25. 亚洲父母,你恋爱了?你这么年轻懂什么爱不爱的!你现在要做的就是好好上学,努力学习,找个好工作,嫁个人家!

    Asian parents : " You think you 're in love ? You are too young to understand what love is . All you need to do now is to stay in school , study hard , get a good job , and then marry someone . "

  26. 而你爱不值得爱的,也该愧赧。

    And so should you , to love things nothing worth .

  27. 爱与不爱,时间是个问题。

    To love or not to love , time is a question .

  28. 男孩:没有为什么不爱就是不爱了。

    Boy : No reason do not you love is not love .

  29. 你爱或者不爱我

    It doesn 't matter if you love me or not

  30. 爱与不爱又怎么由得人选择呢,劳拉?

    Who ever chooses to fall in love , Laura ?