
  • 网络cell stack;Fuel Cell Stack;PEMFC
  1. 固体氧化物燃料电池组的结构特点和制备方法

    Structure Characteristics and Technical Processes of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack

  2. 搭配燃料电池组的重组反应器需要质量轻体积小的元件。

    Fuel cells with on board reforming require compact and lightweight components .

  3. 气体分配箱的流道结构设计是否合理,对进入燃料电池组的气流量有重要影响。

    It is very important that whether the structure of the air manifold is designed properly , and it affects the flux of the air inlet quite a lot .

  4. 这一独特的相连续性,与极低的接触抵抗相结合,与合成石墨化合物和金属燃料电池组分相比提供了了超级的电和热性能。

    This unique phase continuity , combined with an extremely low contact resistance , provides superior electrical and thermal properties in comparison to both synthetic graphite composite and metallic fuel cell components .

  5. 质子交换膜燃料电池组工作时,产生大量热量,能否确保质子交换膜燃料电池的废热及时排出已成为其能否实用化的关键之一。

    Proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) generates large amount of heat when it runs , so whether the heat can be expelled in time is a key reason for commercializing PEMFC .

  6. 论述了千瓦级熔融碳酸盐燃料电池组制备及组装工艺中双极板组合件、高温粘结剂、隔膜原位制备、制紧力、热量管理等技术。

    The technologies of bipolar assembly , high temperature binder , preparing matrix in situ , tight pressure , heat managing in preparation and assembling processes of kW scale molten carbonate fuel cell stacks were discussed .

  7. 燃料电池多组分阳极催化剂的最新研究进展

    The New Progresses of Multi-component Anodic Catalysts for Fuel Cells

  8. 质子交换膜燃料电池及电池组模型分析

    Analysis of Different Types of Model for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stacks

  9. 不过,燃料电池的发展并未止步,从燃料电池车队的这次活动可以看出,燃料电池组的可靠性和耐久性可能会给我们带来意外的惊喜。

    However in recent years , advances in battery technology have made battery-electric vehicles and hybrid-electric technology more likely than fuel cells .