
  • 网络overlap;weld bead;flash;weld flash
  1. 横向焊接时由于熔化金属重力的作用,会引起熔池金属下淌,从而产生咬边以及焊瘤等焊接缺陷。

    In horizontal position welding , the gravity makes molten metal flow downward and sometimes causes weld defects such as undercut and overlap .

  2. 试验结果表明,当短路过渡焊接在192A时,未出现咬边和焊瘤等缺陷。从而使横向焊接的效率得到显著的提高。

    During the short-circuit transition welding when the welding current is 192 A , there is no defect such as undercut and overlap .

  3. 无内焊瘤高频焊管

    HF pipe welding with no inside welding beading

  4. 非晶体金属焊接工艺新颖,焊接接头表面光滑、内外无焊瘤、抗晶间腐蚀性能良好。

    The joints welded by newly developed non-crystal metal welding process have smooth surfaces , with excellent intercrystalline corrosion resistance and no internal and external welding beadings .

  5. 实验结果表明,自动焊接钉头管的焊接效率有很大提高,克服了手工埋弧焊时的焊瘤、夹杂、气孔等缺陷,从而改善了焊接质量。

    The experimental results show that this equipment can improve welding efficiency and quality greatly and overcome welding flaw including flash , inclusion and void etc compared with manual welding .

  6. 由于焊瘤则会使钢轨的质量下降,焊瘤必须除掉,又由于各铁路局设备陈旧需要更新换代,加上为了满足质量、效率等要求将设备设计成数控设备。

    Also because of the replacement of Obsolete equipment of each Railways Bureau , and to meet the requirements of quality , efficiency and so on , equipment will be designed to numerical control equipment .