- thermal (or heat) unit

The unit of heat we shall use most frequently is the kilocalorie .
Prices will need to rise to $ 8.50 per million British thermal units for drillers to break even , Bank of America Notes .
The same production techniques have also unlocked abundant supplies of gas , driving us prices down to just $ 3.40 per million British thermal units , compared to a peak in 2008 of over $ 13 .
A unit of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units .
" Unit , symbol and conversion sectors of heat "
The development process controls the growth process .
Lastly , a method of determining the best blowing cycle is proposed based on the principle of minimum operating cost .
The 111 utility power plants in question are those that currently emit more than 2.5 pounds of SO2 per million Btus .
An improved heat unit development model calculated as a function of daily maximum temperature and minimum temperature was established after some selected maize development models were compared with each other .
Benchmark natural gas prices , now around $ 3.70 per million British thermal units , are not only a fraction of those in Asia or Europe but far too low for some shale projects to be economical .
Analysts said it was likely to have been priced at about four times the $ 2.50 - $ 2.70 per million British thermal units that China agreed to pay in its first LNG deal in 2002 , also with Australia .
in the second half of the decade . For planning purposes , he said , Shell was using a price of $ 4 - $ 6 per million British thermal units for the 2014-15 timeframe , up from the current level of $ 2.55 .
Calories with a big " c " are the ones used to describe the amount of energy contained in foods .
The results show that the closed finned tube is much more excellent than the opening finned tube on gross heat , heat of unit volume and metal thermal intensity with the same geometric parameters .
The problems related to using SI units in metallurgy in last decade are dis-cussed with emphasis on the heat and pressure units etc.
Air conditioner in refrigeration ( hot ) operation unit within the time from an airtight room removed from the heat , the statutory measurement unit W ( watts ) .
This is the number of calories your body would need , while at rest , to keep functioning .