
rè sǔn
  • Heat loss;heat waste
热损[rè sǔn]
  1. 利用一维焓法建立了第三类边界条件下有限厚度的水存在自然对流时的冻结过程的理论模型,并利用类似于反问题的方法,结合计算和实验的手段确定了热损系数U值。

    An one dimensional enthalpy method considering natural convection in the liquid is developed to study the freezing process of water with the third kind boundary condition .

  2. 整体式太阳热水器在寒冷气候条件下的冻结厚度与热损系数U值及水层深度的关系

    The relationship between the U value and the thickness of frozen ice of ICs solar water heaters under cold weather conditions-a numerical analysis and indoor experimental study

  3. 并将此模型的模拟结果分别与实验和未考虑辐射热损的条件矩模型(CMC(ad))的结果进行了比较。

    The results of this model ( CMC ( rad )) were compared with that of experiment and conditional closure moment without radiation calculation ( CMC ( ad )) separately .

  4. 这种设计加大了ICS太阳热水器的吸热面积,同时也降低了吸热面向环境的热损。

    The ICS solar heater is designed with respect to increasing absorption surfaces and minimizing the heat loss from the absorber to the ambient .

  5. 透明隔热材料(TIM)的热损系数U值低于1.5W/m2·K,太阳辐射的透过率大于70%,在被动式太阳房中具有良好的应用前景。

    Transparent insulation materials ( TIM ) have an important application in passive solar house . Its U value below 1.5W/m 2 · K and an energy transmittance greater than 70 % .

  6. 运用计算流体力学(CFD)二维模型研究预混天然气在小尺度空间内燃烧及墙壁的导热系数、外部的热损对燃烧特性的影响。

    A CFD ( computational fluid dynamics ) two-dimensional model was employed to study the combustion of premixed natural gas in a small-scale space and the impact of wall heat-conductivity factor and outer wall heat loss on the combustion characteristics .

  7. 本文研究了连续搅拌槽式反应器(CSTR)定态非绝热操作,即反应器具有通过器壁的热损失时的临界条件及其有关问题;

    This paper studies the condition for criticality and some related problems for the stationary-state of the continuous-flow stirred tank reactor ( CSTR ) under non-adiabatic operation with heat loss through its wall .

  8. 蒸汽沿井筒流动过程热损实验及数值模拟

    Heat-loss Experimental Test and Numerical Simulation in Wellbore Steam Flow Process

  9. 考虑热损效应的实用热采试井方法

    Well testing method during thermal recovery with consideration of heat loss

  10. 热流计标定装置热损误差的计算与分析

    The Heat Loss Error Calculation of the Calibration Device of Heat Flux Meters

  11. 减少密闭型电石炉炉面热损的工艺技改

    Technology Modification for Reduction of Furnace Surface Heat Loss in Sealed-Calcium Carbide Furnace

  12. 热损补偿型铝吸收剂量量热计的研制

    A heat - loss-compensated aluminium absorbed dose calorimeter

  13. 全玻璃真空集热管的热损

    Heat losses of the all-glass evacuated collector tubes

  14. 炼油加热炉排烟热损数学模型的确定

    Confirming the Mathematics Model of Exhaust Gas Heat Loss in Oil Refining Heating Furnace

  15. 1热流计分度装置的侧向热损误差计算

    The calculation of error caused by the lateral heat loss of the 1:1 calibrating device

  16. 夜空辐射对合一式太阳能热水系统夜间热损影响的实验研究

    Experimental investigation of effect of sky radiation at night on heat losses of ICs system

  17. 全玻璃真空集热管热损系数的理论计算和实验

    Theoretical Calculation and Experimental Research on Heat Loss Coefficient of All Glass Evacuated Tubular Collectors

  18. 复合蜂窝的空气夹层对热损影响的理论和实验研究

    Theoretical and Experimental Research on effects of the air layers in compound honeycomb on the heat loss

  19. 环境效益即使只是一个三层玻璃单元,热损却是标准零能耗建筑墙结构的10倍。

    Even a triple glazed unit has 10 times the heat loss of a standard ZED wall construction .

  20. 本文介绍了真空集热管热损过程的实验结果。

    Heat loss from an evacuated tube collector and results of its experimental investigation are presented in this paper .

  21. 结果表明,修正方法实用性更强,功能更全,除了具有常规方法的功能外,还能考虑热损效应。

    The result shows that the amended method is more practical and its function is more complete . It considers hot loss effect except those conventional functions .

  22. 此外,修正方法还能判断热损效应是否严重地影响压力降试井方法的可用性。

    In addition , this amended method can also be used to diagnosis whether the hot loss effect seriously affects the availability of pressure fall off test .

  23. 全玻璃真空太阳集热管内外玻璃管夹层间真空度的保持情况对有效降低热损、提高太阳能的利用率、延长集热管的寿命都有至关重要的作用。

    The vacuum degree between the inner and cover glass tubes plays a very important role in heat loss and the life time of all-glass evacuated collector tube .

  24. 而在其他的一些例子中,比如在气候温和的住宅,主要的目的就是要减少空气流动和冬季的热损。

    In other instances , such as dwellings built in cool climates , the primary aim will be to minimize air flow and the associated heat loss in winter .

  25. 根据单向加热炉的热损值测定表明:稻壳灰的保温性能与炭化稻壳是相近的。

    According to the determination of heat lose rate in AMITEC it is confirmed that the insulation property of ash of rice husks is similar to that of carbonized rice husks .

  26. 分析了密闭电石炉炉面热损增加的原因,针对分析情况对原有工艺控制参数及设备进行了变更和改造。

    This article analyzed the reason why furnace surface heat loss was increased in sealed calcium carbide furnace . In view of this situation , we modified process control datas and updated equipment .

  27. 全自动电脑控制,无需专人操作,可在设定的时间段自动工作,节约能源,减少热损,可连续供开水,自动感应补水。

    Automatic computer control , without special operation , can be set at a time automatic work , saving energy , reduce heat loss , continuously for drinking water , automatic induction filling water .

  28. 得出了热损速率随真空度的变化规律和总热损系数随温差的变化关系。

    The variation of heat loss rate with the vacuum degree , the effect of vacuum degree on the heat loss , the variation of overall heat loss coefficient with the temperature difference are found .

  29. 还介绍了在不同工况下不同的间距对对流热损影响的实验研究。

    The second part of the paper reports an experiment study on the influence of the air layer spacing on the convective heat loss for the conditions when the temperature difference between the hot and cold plates was gradully increasing .

  30. 本文报道了研究夜空辐射对合一式太阳能热水系统夜间热损影响的试验方法和结果,并对减少由夜空辐射引起的热损失进行了初步讨论。

    The paper reports the experiments for researching the effect of sky radiation at night on heat losses of integral collector-storage ( ICS ) system with the results as well as preliminary discussion on reducing heat losses from sky rediation .