
  • 网络Some Like It Hot;on fire
  1. 蓝天、白云、绿树、灰墙、以及热情似火的麦田,这一切就是笔者对于秋天的憧憬。

    Blue sky , white clouds , green trees , kind of wheat , and some like it hot , it is the author for the autumn .

  2. 失之交臂:最佳女主角,1959——《热情似火》的三位主角中只有杰克·莱蒙获得提名,但是梦露比《枕边细语》中获得提名的多丽丝·戴要有趣50倍。

    Most robbed for : Actress , 1959 - Only Jack Lemmon in Some Like it Hot 's lead trio got mentioned , but Monroe is fifty times funnier in it than nominee Doris Day in Pillow Talk . 1 .

  3. 热情似火,需要维护和欣赏。

    Zeal is like fire ; it needs both feeding and watching .

  4. 你想什么呢看上去热情似火

    What are you thinking about ? You 're glowing .

  5. 我热情似火,已经把规范用语置之度外了

    I 'm so passionate , I 'm throwing grammar to the wind .

  6. 有人说美国人热情似火。

    Someone said Americans are sheer exuberant friendliness .

  7. 独特、危险然而又热情似火的感情最后总是导致伤害和焦虑。

    Unique , destructive , yet passionate and lustful resulting in hurt and anxiety .

  8. 爱就存在于这两个极端之间:热狗与冰冷的圣徒(其实是两个比喻,代表热情似火与冷酷无情)。

    Love is just in between these two extremes , hot dogs and cold saints .

  9. 你今天真是热情似火。

    You are on the fire today .

  10. 对于这个男人及他的公司,人们热情似火,毫不保留挥洒自己的激情。

    People can definitely go overboard about their enthusiasm for the man and his company .

  11. 热情似火又洋溢着激情,拥有坚定意志的你同时也故作神秘,让人觉得不可思议。

    Passionate , intense , and strong-willed , you can also be secretive and mysterious .

  12. 当然,不管此刻的你多么的热情似火,但说话之前需三思。

    Yet no matter how enthusiastic you are , think about your words before you speak .

  13. 文章最后得出结论,游苔沙这位具有反叛性格,有抱负且热情似火的女性是与维多利亚社会传统格格不入的。

    The thesis concludes that Eustacia , a rebellious , ambitious and passionate girl , is incompatible with the Victorian society .

  14. 社会学家们发现,人们往往将自己现在的恋情与当初热情似火的初恋进行比较,但这个标准其实非常不切实际。

    Sociologists found that the euphoria of young love can become an unrealistic benchmark against which all future romances are judged .

  15. 你富有创造性的精力无所穷尽,而且对生活的方方面面,你又是那么的热情似火、活力充沛。

    Your creative energy knows no bounds and you 're passionate and vibrant about pretty much every aspect of your life .

  16. 奈特莉饰演的海盗角色热情似火、聪明独立,但是她在《模仿游戏》中的新角色却颇有许历史厚重感。

    Her Pirates character was fiery , smart , and independent , but Knightley 's new role has historical weight behind it .

  17. 她在《绅士爱美人》和《热情似火》等电影里的表演证明了她不仅有美丽的外表,也有出众的才华。

    Her performances in films like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and SomeLike It Hot confirmed she had as much talent as she did beauty .

  18. 你热情似火,款款向我走来,我是如此地渴求你。

    You have come at me with such terrific rush of warmth , and I am so very much in need of you .

  19. 选择兔子的你喜欢有分裂人格的人,外表冷若冰霜,内心却热情似火。

    A. rabbit - those who has split personality , like cold as ice on the outside , but hot as fire in the heart .

  20. 如果身边有个热情似火的人,你很难不被他感染哪怕你本以为自己绝不会对他说的事情感兴趣。

    Its hard to be around a fiery person and not get swept away in their excitement , even if its about something that you never thought could interest you .

  21. 所以,如果在汉堡王这个热情似火的地方边吃汉堡边出身大汗的这一疯狂的想法吸引了你,那么下一站,就到芬兰来旅行吧。

    So if this wild idea of dining on Burger King 's flame grilled specialities while sweating it out sounds appealing to you , make Finland your next travel destination .

  22. 如果身边有个热情似火的人,你很难不被他感染——哪怕你本以为自己绝不会对他说的事情感兴趣。

    It 's hard to be around a fiery person and not get swept away in their excitement , even if it 's about something that you never thought could interest you .

  23. 炽热的红色很衬白羊座热情似火的个性,用它作为你全套行头的主色调是再好不过了。头发也可以配以红色来提亮。

    Red is the color that matches your fiery personality , so use it as your main shade in all your outfits , and spice up your hairstyle with some red hair extensions .

  24. 他们的粉丝不仅人数众多,而且热情似火;今年二月,他们北美巡回演唱会门票刚一放出,粉丝们就蜂拥而上,短短5分钟内,抢光所有十场演唱会的门票。

    They boast passionate , numerous fans who snatched up tickets to the band 's first North American headlining tour , a 10-date visit that sold out in less than five minutes in February .

  25. 我想要个妻,她对我的性生活需要心有灵犀,情意绵绵,热情似火,随着我的心情,保证我满意。

    I want a wife who is sensitive to my sexual needs , a wife who makes love passionately and eagerly when I feel like it , a wife who makes sure that I am satisfied .