
rè dài qì hòu
  • Tropical climate;tropical weather
  1. 炎热的热带气候使人困倦,昏昏欲睡。

    The hot , tropical weather created a feeling of lassitude .

  2. 热带气候和海滩吸引世界各地的人们来夏威夷。

    The tropical weather and beaches bring people from all over the world .

  3. 我特意选了一个热带气候的城市。

    I had deliberately picked a city with a tropical climate .

  4. 古巴属于热带气候,终年阳光明媚。

    Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine .

  5. 另一些有着热带气候的发展中国家例如,印度,菲律宾,甚至是古巴,都能通过生产糖类FLPA乙醇,出售给有钱的美国人当汽车燃料来发财致富。

    Other developing countries with tropical climates , such as India , the Philippines and even Cuba , could prosper by producing sugar FLPA ethanol and selling it to rich Americans to fuel their cars .

  6. 我喜欢住在热带气候的地方。

    I 'd love to live somewhere with a tropical climate .

  7. 精甲霜灵在热带气候土壤中的残留及消解动态研究

    Residue Analysis and Degradation of Metalaxyl-M in Soil under Tropical Climate

  8. 他失去了他惯有的活力,在热带气候中变得无精打采?

    He lost his accustomed vigor and languished in the troplcal climate .

  9. 热带气候一般会出产大量水果。

    Tropical climates tend to yield large amounts of fruit .

  10. 海南位于中国南部,是一个热带气候的岛屿。

    Hainan is a tropical island off the southern coast of China .

  11. 该地属热带气候,一年到头都十分宜人。

    And the climate is tropical and very pleasant year-round .

  12. 海南热带气候下种猪场设计及效果分析

    Effects of Designing A Pig-breeding Plant Under The Tropic Climate in Hainan

  13. 热带气候影响下的建筑形态研究

    Study on the Architectural Forms under the Influence of the Tropic Climate

  14. 我国热带气候的北界问题

    On the northern boundary of tropical climate in China

  15. 热带气候热得难受。

    The heat in the tropics can be oppressive .

  16. 将我们和热带气候比较一下。

    Contrast our climate with that of the tropics .

  17. 这种植物在热带气候下生长茂盛。

    This type of plant flourishes in tropical climates .

  18. 电信设备环境测试和热带气候处理区域中心

    Regional Environmental Testing and Tropicalization Centre for Telecommunications Equipment

  19. 海南岛热带气候问题与森林保护

    Tropical Climate and Forest Protection in Hainan Island

  20. 受热带气候影响,我们都变得倦怠乏力。

    We all languished in the tropical climate .

  21. 毛里求斯宜人的热带气候和迷人的景色让人心旷神怡。

    The pleasant tropical climate and scenery provides the perfect setting to enjoy everything .

  22. 海南省热带气候区域鹅雏发育生态行为观察报告

    Observation on Ecological Behaviour of Young Geese Grown in Tropical Climate Area of Hainan Province

  23. 论海南岛热带气候

    On the Tropical Climate of Hainan island

  24. 换换热带气候感受一下还挺好的,食物也很好吃。

    The tropical climate is nice for a change . And the food is great .

  25. 在热带气候下生活了一段时间之后,西班牙显得凉爽了。

    After months of being in a tropical climate , Spain seemed cool by comparison .

  26. 热带气候对海南省小儿腹泻影响的研究

    A study on the influence of the tropical climate to children diarrhea of Hainan Province

  27. 他们已经适应热带气候。

    They were acclimated to the tropics .

  28. 谱模式中负地形的处理与东亚副热带气候的模拟

    Disposal of Negative Orography in a Spectral Model and Modeling of Subtropical Climate in East Asia

  29. 夏威夷州位于北回归线以南,属热带气候区。

    Hawaii in the south of the Tropic of Cancer , is a tropical climate zone .

  30. 研究腈菌唑在土壤中的残留分析方法及其在土壤中热带气候下的消解动态和最终残留。

    The degradation and residue of bifenthrin in cabbage and soil under tropical climate were studied .