
shāo bēi
  • beaker;Bunsen beaker
烧杯 [shāo bēi]
  • [beaker] 一种敞口的细高容器(有玻璃制的、瓷制的或金属制的),带有一个伸出的唇为倾出液体用,供化学工作者和药剂师使用

烧杯[shāo bēi]
  1. 在混凝阶段通过烧杯搅拌实验确定了最佳混凝剂、混凝剂的最佳投量和最佳PH值。

    In coagulation stage , the experiments of beaker stir decide the optimum coagulant , the optimum dosage and PH of the coagulant .

  2. 试样在塑料烧杯中用盐酸和硝酸溶解,ICP-AES法测定。

    The sample was dissolved with HCl and HNO 3 in a plastic beaker , then silicon in the solution was determined by ICP-AES .

  3. 这只烧杯的底部有些沉淀物。

    There is some deposit in the bottom of the flask .

  4. pH值对除色的影响在烧杯试验刚开始阶段较大,但随着反应时间的延长,其影响逐渐减少;

    The effect of pH value is much greater during the earlier time of reaction , while decreasing gradually with reaction time .

  5. 并通过烧杯混凝实验分析了投加量以及pH对聚合硫酸铁在粉丝废水中的混凝效果的影响。

    By jar tests , the effect of the PFS dosage and the pH value of the wastewater on the coagulating efficiency of the PFS in starch wastewater is analysed .

  6. 利用烧杯絮凝法表征其絮凝效果,采用高岭土模拟废水研究了不同投加量、pH值和不同浊度的废水对聚合氯化铁产品絮凝效果的影响。

    PFC was used to treat kaolin simulated wastewater , and the impact of different dose , pH and different turbidity wastewater on the flocculation efficiency of PFC were studied .

  7. 烧杯实验结果表明,优化混凝反应条件可提高PAC混凝的除浊效果,但对UV(254)去除效果影响不大;

    The result showed that the optimized coagulation conditions can enhanced the removal of particles , but has little effect on the removal of resolvable organic matter .

  8. 通过烧杯实验,研究了用壳聚糖-聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)絮凝法处理成分复杂、脱色困难的钻井废水的方法和条件。

    The conditions of treating drilling wastewater with complex composition and hard decoloration were studied using chitosan-polyacrylamide ( PAM ) coagulation method by beaker experiment .

  9. 通过烧杯试验,比较了硫酸铝、三氯化铁、聚合氯化铝的除浊和除有机物性能,同时探讨了混凝的最佳pH值。

    The performances of aluminum sulfate , ferric chloride and poly aluminum chloride in the removal of turbidity and organic substance are compared by jar test , and the optimum pH of coagulation is also studied .

  10. 通过烧杯实验研究铝盐与CBF复配处理各种水样的混凝效果,明确其在不同混凝条件下处理不同水样的混凝性能及混凝机理。

    The coagulation performance and mechanism of CBF-alumminum salt dual-coagulant under different coagulation conditions were clearly studied by jar test .

  11. 根据理论计算,在相同吸附效果下,累积二级逆流吸附较单级吸附操作节约42.3%的PAC,通过静态烧杯实验和动态反应柱实验均验证了理论计算的正确性。

    According to the theoretical calculation , accumulative two-stage countercurrent adsorption could save approximately 42.3 % PAC than single-stage operation in the same adsorption .

  12. 如,进行了通过利用一个五烧杯(一公升每个)系列的JAR测试实验,对操作条件如PH值,剂量需要和去除效率进行了研究。

    The operation conditions such as pH , dose required and removal efficiency were studied by the jar test experiments which were performed using a series of five beakers ( 1L each ) .

  13. 通过烧杯试验和混凝剂配伍试验,确定混凝剂为三氯化铁和PAC的组合。

    Through the beaker experiment and the coagulant compatibility experiment , we have determined the iron trichloride and the PAC Combination will be the coagulant .

  14. 在烧杯搅拌实验的基础上,通过絮体的ζ电位测定、X射线粉晶衍射、红外光谱、X射线光电子能谱等实验手段考察了铝盐混凝除氟的作用机理。

    On the basis of the results of jar tests , the coagulation defluoridation mechanisms of aluminum salts were investigated by means of ζ potential measurement of floc and IR , XRD , XPS analysis of floc structure .

  15. 以A市受污染水源水为研究对象,通过烧杯试验考察了高锰酸钾复合药剂(PPC)预氧化工艺的效能。

    The effects of pre-oxidation process with potassium permanganate composite ( PPC ) are studied in laboratory scale , with polluted raw water sample of A city .

  16. 热板法疼痛实验:取NIH小鼠40只,置于(55±0.5)℃的水浴烧杯上,以舔后足时间为正常痛阈。

    Hot-plate pain trial : Forty NIH mice were placed on water-bath beaker , and the time of licking postpedes were defined as normal pain threshold .

  17. 采用烧杯混凝实验研究了壳聚糖(CTS)、CTS与丙烯酰胺和丙烯酸乙酯季铵盐三元接枝共聚阳离子絮凝剂(CAS)对高岭土悬浊液的絮凝特性。

    Flocculation of kaolin suspensions using ternary polymerization flocculant ( CAS ) synthesized by chitosan ( CTS ), acrylamide and ethyl acrylate quaternary ammonium salt was investigated in lab-scale .

  18. 烧杯实验结果表明PASC浓度高、最佳投加量低,絮凝效果好,pH适用范围广,可显著降低处理成本。

    The result of the jar-test shows high concentration PASC , which has great advantage in water treatment owing to its low dosage , high coagulation efficiency and wide pH value adaptation .

  19. 铁屑静态烧杯脱色实验表明,影响脱色的主要因素有:废水pH值、铁水投配比、反应时间、曝气、原水色度和染料种类。

    Jar test for color removal of printing and dyeing wastewater with iron particle showed that main factor connecting with color removal are raw wastewater pH , dosage ratio of iron to water , reaction time , aeration , raw wastewater color and type of dye .

  20. 利用时域有限差分法(FDTD)并结合蛙跳技术,通过联合求解Maxwell方程组和热传导方程,模拟了水的微波加热过程,计算了烧杯中的水的温度分布;

    Maxwell 's equations combined with heat transport equation have been solved by using FDTD with the leapfrog technique to simulate the microwave heating to water . The temperature distribution of water in the beaker is obtained .

  21. 向盛有10?蟠姿狒?的烧杯内加入5g二水合物结晶。六次甲基四胺与氯化苄加合物的晶体结构

    Add the crystalline dihydrate ( 5g ) to acetic anhydride ( 10 ?? in a beaker . THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ADDITION COMPOUND OF HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE WITH BENZYL CHLORIDE

  22. 混凝预处理实验中,采用烧杯搅拌静态实验法,对五种常用混凝剂聚合硫酸铁、聚合氯化铝、硫酸铝、硫酸亚铁和三氯化铁和助凝剂PAM处理废水的效果进行了探讨。

    The effect of five coagulation reagent covering poly-ferric sulfate , poly-aluminum chloride , aluminum sulfate , Iron ( II ) sulfate heptahydrate and Iron ( III ) chloride hexahydrate and aided coagulation reagent PAM treating the wastewater was discussed .

  23. 好的,我们要再次利用这幅图,这有一个敞开的烧杯和一根蜡烛,我们对烧杯加热,温度从T1上升到。

    And so , we have this cartoon . Again , we have an open beaker and a candle , and we 're putting only heat into this beaker , T2 and the temperature goes from T1 to T2 .

  24. 将盛有细胞悬液的烧杯置于37℃水浴振荡15min,再置于冰水中冷却10min。

    Thus cell suspension was prepared , then the beaker was shaken at 37 ℃ for 15 minutes and cooled at 0 ℃ for 10 minutes .

  25. 并通过烧杯实验研究了聚环氧氯丙烷&二甲胺对染料模拟废水、实际印染废水和炼油厂废水的效果,以及与聚合铝(PAC)复配的絮凝效果。

    At the end of the experiments , the flocculation efficiency of the polymers for dye liquor , printing and dyeing wastewater and oil refinery effluent and the flocculation efficiency of polyamine flocculants used with PAC were studied by jar test .

  26. 通过烧杯试验,分别以湖水和水库水为对象,研究了高锰酸盐复合药剂(PPC)预氧化对给水消毒过程中余氯消耗速度的影响规律,并对其机理进行了探讨。

    Jar tests were made respectively for lake water and reservoir water , in order to investigate the effect of pre-oxidation by permanganate composite chemicals ( PPC ) on chlorine consumption rate in the process of water disinfection and the mechanism was discussed .

  27. 它不需要作连续贮存培养,也许最大的优点在于,成体卤虫很小,将10-20个成体放在100ml烧杯内就可观察运动及记录死亡率。

    It does not require continuous maintenance of stock culture , and perhaps the greatest advantage is the fact that adult Artemia are so sufficiently small that some 10 ~ 20 of them can be accommodated in a 100 ml beaker permitting easy observation of their movement and subsequent mortality .

  28. 所述杯体为烧杯或奶瓶。

    The cup body is a beaker or a nursing bottle .

  29. 单臂滑动式烧杯夹具的创新与实用价值

    The Innovative and Practical Values of Single-side-gliding Type Beaker Clamp

  30. 预测烧杯里的水的温度。

    Predict the temperature of the water in the beaker .