
yān dào
  • flue;chimney;flue pipe;breeching;outtake
烟道 [yān dào]
  • [flue pipe] 烟囱内将火焰和烟送到外部空间去的孔道

烟道[yān dào]
  1. 1一只跳蚤和一只苍蝇飞进烟道里。

    A flea1 and a fly flew up in a flue .

  2. 跳蚤说:“让我们飞吧!”苍蝇说:“让我们逃跑吧!”就这样,它们就飞越了烟道里的一条裂纹。

    Said the flea , " Let us fly ! " Said the fly , " Let us flee ! " So they flew through a flaw in the flue .

  3. 他把那张纸扔进火里,纸飘进了烟道。

    He threw the paper onto the fire and it flew up the chimney .

  4. 靠肥料分解和烟道为植物提供热量。

    Heat was obtained from decomposing manures and hot air flues .

  5. 烟道内压力自上而下逐渐增加,底层住户的排烟最为不利。

    The pressure of fume in chimney increases slowly from top to bottom .

  6. 试论锅炉水平烟道中的烟温差企业横向兼并与WTO

    Difference Temperature of Flue Gas in the Horizontal Stack Horizontal Merger and WTO

  7. 酸性溶液中Fe(Ⅲ)离子浓度对烟道气脱硫的影响

    Effect of Fe (ⅲ) Concentrations on Desulphurization in Acidic Solution

  8. 将烟道气中SOx╱NOx转化成肥料的电子束工艺

    Conversion of SO_x / NO_x in flue gases to fertilizers by electron beam process

  9. 烯胺DETA/TETA溶液富集烟道气中CO2的研究

    Study on Absorption of CO_2 in Flues into Aqueous Solutions of DETA / TETA

  10. 混合有机胺吸收烟道气中CO2的交互作用机理

    The mechanism of interaction effect of CO_2 absorption from flue gas with mixed organic amines

  11. 烟道气中O2,CO及CO2含量的气相色谱分析方法

    Determination of Concentrations of O_2 , CO and CO_2 in the Flue Gas by Gas Chromatography

  12. 电子束辐照处理烟道气&CO对脱出NOx和SO2的影响

    Flue gas treatment with electron beam irradiation & effect of CO on removals of no_x , so_2

  13. PLC在净化烟道蝶阀电动执行器控制中的应用

    The Application of PLC in the Butterfly Valve Electric Actuator Controlling Used to Purify the Chimney Flue

  14. 碟片超重床结构对烟道气中CO2脱除率的影响

    Study on the Influence of the Structure of Super-Gravity Bed with Disks on Scrubbing CO_2 in Flue Gas

  15. 烟道气处理草浆造纸黑液过程中CO2的行为分析

    The Analysis on the Behavior of CO_2 in the Process of Treating Straw Pulp Black Liquor with Flue Gas

  16. 脱除工业烟道气中SOx和NOx的技术工业烟道固体颗粒物排放量自动监测方法

    Technology for sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides removal from industrial flue-gas On-line Monitoring of Powdery Solids Emission from Industrial Stacks

  17. 对烟道CO进行连续在线监测,是实现燃烧过程的控制和优化、减少污染气体排放的有效手段。

    Continuous and in-situ monitoring of flue gas CO is an effective way to optimize combustion efficiency and reduce pollutant emission .

  18. 火电厂SCR脱硝系统旁路烟道的不利影响分析

    Analysis of adverse influencing on SCR with bypass in thermal power plants

  19. 类水滑石复合氧化物在烟道气脱SO2和NOx中的应用

    Application of hydrotalcite-like compounds in catalytic removal of SO_2 and NOx in flue gas

  20. 电子束净化烟道气的Monte-Carlo模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of Electron Beam Purification of Flue Gas

  21. 由此可以得出结论,超重场能够有效强化氨水常压下化学吸收燃煤锅炉烟道气中低浓度CO2,并生成碳酸氢铵晶体。

    In conclusion , ammonia could absorb low concentration carbon dioxide from flue gas in plant under super-gravity field and obtain carbon bicarbonate .

  22. 统计表明,工业排放的CO2中33%来自化石燃烧产生的高温烟道气。

    Statistics indicate that 33 % CO2 in industry comes from high temperature flue gas produced by the combustion of fossil .

  23. 研究结果表明,这四种催化剂对烟道气中的SO2和NO具有良好的同时氧化吸附效果。

    The results showed that the catalysts were excellent materials for the simultaneous oxidative adsorption of SO_2 and NO.

  24. 采用糖厂蔗渣锅炉烟道气进行饱充是提高亚硫酸法制糖质量的一种可能技术途径,但由于烟气中CO2浓度较低且存在波动,烟道气饱充实际效果不佳。

    It is a potential technical approach to improve the sugar quality of sub-sulfuric acid method by using bagasse boiler flue gas for saturation .

  25. 首先,在结合嵌入式Linux技术与工业以太网技术的基础上,提出了基于TCP/IP网络的烟道粉尘测定仪远程监控系统的两种具有代表性的设计方案。

    First , two typical designs of the remote supervisory system for soot-measuration instruments are raised , which are based on embedded Linux and industrial Ethernet technologies .

  26. 嵌入式Web服务器模块是整个监控系统的软件核心,作为Web服务器守护进程独立运行,远程用户通过浏览器与嵌入式Web服务器进行数据交互,实现对烟道粉尘测定仪的。

    The embedded Linux web server module is the kernel software of the system running as a process . The remote administrators manage the soot-measuration instruments by exchanging data with the embedded Linux web server using a browser .

  27. GBF烟道系统在高层住宅厨房中的应用

    Application of GBF flue system to kitchens in high-rise residence

  28. Φ2.2×45m炭素回转窑S型烟道的结构改造

    Structure reformation of s-type Φ 2.2 × 45-meter Charcoal rotary Kiln

  29. 基于TDLAS烟道气在线检测系统的降噪技术

    Noise Reduction Technology of In-situ Gas Monitoring System Based on TDLAS

  30. 二氧化硫(SO2)是烟道气的主要含硫成分,其排放量的增加造成了严重的环境污染,威胁着人类的健康。

    As the main sulfur component of flue gas , the emission of SO2 brings about serious environment pollution , which may threaten the human health .