
yān méi
  • Bituminous coal;bituminous/soft coal
烟煤 [yān méi]
  • [bituminous coal] 一种在加热时产生大量沥青质挥发物的煤

  1. 烟煤焦催化还原NOx实验研究

    Experimental Study of Catalytic Reduction of NO x by Bituminous Char

  2. 基于BP神经网络的烟煤类型识别研究

    Study of Soft Coal Variety Recognition Based on BP Neural Network

  3. 神俯烟煤煤岩组分再燃烧还原NOx的试验研究

    Experimental Research for Reductive NO_x by Reburning with Shenfu Bituminous Petrographic Constituents

  4. 低NOX燃烧技术用于大型燃烟煤锅炉

    Application of Low NO_X Combustion Techniques in Large Size Bituminous Coal-fired Boiler

  5. 中小型烟煤层燃炉NOx排放因子的研究

    NO_x Emission Factors from Medium and Small Layer Burning Boilers Firing Soft Coal

  6. 烟煤高温焦炭微晶结构的X衍射研究

    Study of XRD on the crystallite structure characteristics of high temperature coke of coals

  7. 大型贫煤和烟煤锅炉NOx排放特性的研究

    Study of the NO x Discharge Characteristics of Large Lean and Bituminous Coal Boilers

  8. 低阶烟煤中显微组分含量与CO扩散量的关系

    Relationship of CO Diffusion Quantity and Coal Maceral Contents in Low Rank Bituminous Coal

  9. 以3种低变质烟煤与SiO2为原料实现了SiC的合成。

    SiC was synthesized with SiO 2 and three low metamorphic coals .

  10. 抚顺烟煤及其抽出物的FTIR光谱结构表征

    FTIR spectroscopic analysis of Fushun bituminous coal and coal extracts

  11. 两种烟煤CS2溶剂分次萃取物的FTIR分析

    FTIR Analysis of Extracts from Two Bituminous Coals with CS_2 Using Extraction in Batches

  12. 两种烟煤微波辅助萃取所得CS2萃取物的GC/MS分析

    GC / MS analysis of CS_2-extraction from two kinds of bituminous coals under microwave irradiation

  13. 低变质烟煤与SiO2合成SiC研究

    Study of synthesizing SiC with low metamorphic coal

  14. 降低温度导致N2O生成量增加而同时NO生成量减少,烟煤N2O产量要比贫煤高一些。

    Temperature reduction leads to increasing N_2O formation , but to reducing NOformation ; bituminous coal yields more N_2O than lean coal .

  15. 介绍一种专门用于高炉喷吹烟煤系统检测气氛中O2和CO的在线分析装置。

    An industrial process analyzer for O2 and CO in the atmosphere in pulverized bituminous Coal injection system of BF is presented .

  16. 采用XPS技术分析了我国以烟煤为主的七种煤样以及对应的快速加氢热解半焦中有机硫的化学形态。

    Using XPS analyses the organic sulfur of seven different Chinese coals and their semi-cokes from flash hydropyrolysis were studied .

  17. 运行结果表明,锅炉能适应低灰熔点、易结渣的哈密烟煤,其额定出力可达220t/h。

    Has been presented and shown that the boiler is suitable for bituminous coal with low-ash-fusion and easy slagging .

  18. GF的变化趋势表明,混煤的燃烧性能随烟煤比例的增加而增加。

    The variation of GF with the change of blend ratio reveals a strong dependence on blending ratio .

  19. 由IR、NMR、HPLC分析结果表明:三种烟煤F_2馏分主要由芳烃化合物组成;以单取代苯和邻位双取代苯为主(包括缩合环体系);

    The results of the analyses with IR . NMR and HPLC methods show that : F_2 fraction of three bituminous coal is mainly composed of aromatic hydrocarbons .

  20. 尤其是深度炉膛整体空气分级燃烧可以达到60%~70%的减排效果,可保证燃用烟煤和褐煤机组的NOx达标排放。

    Deep furnace air staging could achieve NOx reduction about 60-70 % from utility boilers when firing bituminous coals , which could satisfy regulation .

  21. 用热力学平衡模拟方法研究了贵州六盘水烟煤燃烧过程中痕量元素Ni、Cr、Hg、As、Se和Sb在凝聚相和气相中的迁移转化。

    The thermodynamic equilibrium distributions of the trace elements nickel , chromium , mercury , arsenic , selenium and antimony between the condensed and gaseous phases were examined .

  22. 结果表明,不同燃料造成的室内空气污染对COPD及其症状和最大呼气流速的作用顺序依次为有烟煤>无烟煤>柴。

    The proper order of different fuels creating indoor air pollution on COPD and its symptoms and PEF was smoky coal > smokeless coal > wood .

  23. 用超临界气体抽提方法研究抚顺烟煤的组成和结构&Ⅰ.抽出物的分离及GC、GC/MS分析

    Study on the Constitution and structure of Fushun bituminous coal by means of supercritical gas extraction & ⅰ . separation of extract and gc , gc / ms analyses

  24. 对于燃用贫煤和劣质烟煤的中小型煤粉锅炉,在分级燃烧条件下其NOx排放和煤粉燃尽之间存在互相制约的问题。

    For medium and small-sized lean and bum bituminous coal boiler using staging combustion , NOx emission and coal burnout are two problems which restrict each other .

  25. 氧化性气氛下,温度的提高会促进烟煤焦炭燃料N的转化,而对无烟煤焦炭则基本无影响;还原性气氛下,温度的提高均会遏制燃料N的转化。

    In oxidizing atmosphere , as temperature increases , the bituminous char-N conversion increases . However , it has little influence on the anthracite char-N conversion . In reducing atmosphere , temperature increasing suppresses the fuel nitrogen conversion .

  26. 试验结果表明:煤部分气化PAHs生成量高于原煤PAHs含量(徐州烟煤除外);

    The experimental results show that the total PAHs contents generated in coal partial gasification are higher than in raw coal ( except Xuzhou bituminous coal ) .

  27. 反射率R°(max)、可熔组分总量∑r和粘结指数G(RI)是拟订烟煤的成因&工业分类较好的指标。

    The reflectance R_ ( max ) ~ °, the total fusible macerals ∑ r and caking index G_ ( RI ) are three parameters for drawing up the genetic-technical classification of bituminous coal .

  28. Na2CO3同风化烟煤HA-Na配合,是一种有效的陶瓷泥料添加剂。

    Combination of Na_2CO_3 and weathered bituminous coal Na-HA is an effective thinner for ceramic clays .

  29. 在实验管式炉上研究了金属铜和氧化铜对烟煤燃烧过程中PAHs生成的影响。

    The influence of metal copper and cupric oxide additive on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) emissions during combustion of bituminous coal was investigated in experimental tube furnace .

  30. 300MW机组贫煤锅炉改烧烟煤的研究和实践

    Study and Actualization of Burning Bituminous Coal in Lean Coal-fired Boiler of the 300 MW Unit