
yān tái
  • soot;crock
  1. 柴油发动机烟炱引起的磨损性能评价及磨损机理

    Wear evaluation of high soot diesel engine oil and wear mechanism

  2. 柴油机烟炱及在润滑油中的分散性评定

    A Study on Diesel Engine Soot and its Disperse Performance

  3. 烟炱和石灰粉混合物吸附脱硫试验

    A test on flue gas desulfurization with lime and smoke dust

  4. 烟炱吸附法烟气脱硫的试验研究

    The experiment research on flue gas desulfurization with smoke dust

  5. 丁二酰亚胺类分散剂在伪烟炱表面吸附行为的分子动力学模拟

    The adsorption behaviors of succinimide dispersants on pseudo-soot surface by molecular dynamics simulation

  6. 铁路内燃机车柴油机油烟炱含量的测量

    Measurement of soot content in locomotive diesel engine oil

  7. 柴油发动机产生的烟炱滞留在发动机油中导致发动机部件产生磨损。

    The soot in diesel engine oil results in the wear of engine parts .

  8. 热重分析仪测量柴油机油烟炱含量

    Study on the soot concentration in diesel engine oils with the thermal gravimetric analysis

  9. 柴油机机油外来污染物&烟炱的分析

    Analysis of soot-exogenous contaminant of diesel engine oil

  10. 空气传播的致癌物在大气中是烟炱粒子上吸附的物质。

    The airborne carcinogens are in the atmosphere as absorbed matter on soot particles .

  11. 柴油发动机烟炱对润滑油添加剂成膜性能及磨损的影响

    Effect of Soot in Diesel Engine on Film Formation Property & Wear of Lubricant and Additive

  12. 火床炉风室流体力学及配风特性研究固定床燃煤方式中烟炱的形成及其消除方法

    Research on the Characteristics of Fluid Mechanics and Air Distribution in Air Chamber of Grate-Firing Boiler

  13. 柴油机油烟炱分散性能模拟评定方法的探讨

    A Review of the Bench Test Methods to Evaluate Soot Dispersancy Ability of Diesel Crankcase Lubricants

  14. 初步探讨了烟炱吸附脱硫机理和反应控制步骤。

    The mechanism of desulfurization with smoke dust adsorption and the key step of reaction process were discussed .

  15. 而且透射电镜照片也直观地显示出了烟炱表面的一层吸附膜。

    It can be seen directly that there is a layer of adsorption film on the soot surface in TEM .

  16. 这些新试验能确保提高发动机在高温和高烟炱工况下的耐久性。

    These new tests can ensure better durability of engine at high temperature and high levels of soot in the crankcase .

  17. 本文重点对使用过程中的旧油进行红外光谱测试,分析烟炱对粘度增长的影响。

    This paper pay much attention to analyse the soot influence on viscosity increase , based on testing the infrared spectrum of the old being used oil .

  18. 此法可测定新油及旧油中的烟炱含量,准确性、重复性较好。

    The soot content in the field test oils is measured with the fore mentioned method , which shows good accuracy and repeatability on both new and used oils .

  19. 虽然全世界各地都有发现烟炱,但是火焰却不见得处处都有,因为烟炱有可能是被风带过去的。

    Although soot had been found throughout the world , fires need not have erupted everywhere , because soot could have been blown to some sites by the wind .

  20. 固定床燃煤方式中烟炱的形成及其消除方法惠民凹陷含煤地层生气潜力分析

    STUDY FOR THE FORMATION AND COMBUSTION OF THE SOOTS IN THE GAS FROM THE COAL GRATE - FIRING The potential of gas generation from coal bearing formation in Huimin Sag

  21. 本文详细介绍了用高效液相色谱测定烟炱中的多环芳烃的方法和前处理,及有关色谱条件的选择等因素。

    This paper introduced the way to determine PAH in smoke black by HPLC , and other elements such as the procedure of pretreatment , the choice of relative chromatogram conditions .

  22. 主要介绍了烟炱引起粘度增长的原因、油中烟炱的测定方法、几个标准台架评定方法以及烟炱分散性的模拟评定方法。

    This paper introduces the viscosity increase related to oil soot , soot level measurement method , some standard full-size engine test methods and the simulating bench test method for soot disperse performance .

  23. 根据内燃机油中的烟炱在高温下与氧气结合而引起失重的原理,利用热重仪来测定内燃机油中烟炱含量,并用此法对行车试验油进行了监测。

    According to the principle of weight loss of oil caused by the combination of soot and oxygen under high temperature , the soot content in engine oil can be determined by Thermogravimetric Analyzer .

  24. 我们采用与烟炱相类似的炭黑作为试验原料,在高速搅拌下将炭黑分散在油中,通过粘度变化来考察油品的分散性能。

    Taking the carbon black similar to soot as the test material , the oil 's dispersancy is evaluated through the oil 's viscosity change after blending the carbon black into the oil under high speed .

  25. 通过一系列的性能筛选评定试验,包括氧化安定试验、青铜&钢摩擦磨损试验、四球磨损试验、转盘清净性试验和烟炱分散试验,经多次筛选,确定出五代油的配方。

    Through a series of performance selections and evaluation tests , which include oxidation invariability test , bronze-steel friction and wear test , four-ball wear test , turntable lustration test and soot dispersion test , the composition of the fifth generation oil is fixed after many times of selections .