
  1. 论述了关于点的合成运动的定理的解析推导方法。

    The analytic method of the composite motion theorem of points has been discussed .

  2. 一类值得注意的点的合成运动问题

    One Sort of Noticeable Problem on Composition Motion of a Point

  3. 点的合成运动定理的解析推导法

    The analytic method of the compostie motion theorem of points

  4. 点的合成运动的分析与研究

    An Analysis and Study on the Composite Motion of Point

  5. 点的合成运动中动点和动系的选择

    Selection of moving point and moving coordinate in composite motion of points

  6. 点的合成运动问题的复数解

    The Resultant Motion of A Particle Problem Solved by Using Complex Functions

  7. 点的合成运动的某些商榷

    Some Consultation on the Synthetic Motion of Points

  8. 点的合成运动的讨论

    On the Resultant Movement of Physical Points

  9. 本文完善和充实了现行理论力学教材《点的合成运动》一章中的一些不足之处。

    In this study we perfected and improved some insufficient place on the chapter of 《 the synthetic motion of points 》 from existing teaching material for theoretical mechanics .

  10. 本文通过对点的合成运动的讨论,着重提出了解题难点、要点和注意点,并通过典型例题进行了进一步说明。

    Through the discussion of the resultant movement of physical points , the difficult points , key points and attentive points in working out the problems are put forth and further explanation is given with typical examples .

  11. 给出了求解平面运动刚体上点的速度的基点法和点的合成运动求速度法的比较结果。

    This thesis reveals the comparative effect between the evaluation method of base point of velocity in plane motion of a rigid body and the evaluation method of velocity in composite motion of particles .