
diǎn kòng zhì
  • point control;point traffic control
点控制[diǎn kòng zhì]
  1. EPON多点控制技术

    Multi - Point Control Technology of EPON

  2. CMJ测试的临界点控制及下肢伸肌SSC中弹性能贮备与利用

    Turning point control in CMJ test and the storage and utilization of elastic energy of leg extensor in SSC

  3. 细胞周期检验点控制系统负责对DNA损伤、复制应力和染色体复制后在进入下一个时相前能否正确分离的检测和应答。

    Cell cycle checkpoints are responsible for monitoring and responding to DNA damage , replication stress , and proper chromosome segregation .

  4. 最后给出我们的应用实例会议电视多点控制单元(MCU)。

    An example of MVIP application-the design of MCU of video conference is given .

  5. 本机内存不足行为的一致性也比Java堆内存不足行为差,因为没有针对本机堆分配的单点控制。

    Native out-of-memory behaviour is also less consistent than Java heap out-of-memory behaviour , because there 's no single point of control for native heap allocations .

  6. 通过现场应用说明了锅炉点控制系统由于采用了以PLC为核心的可编程控制器,使点火系统得到了简化,可靠性大为增强。

    Through field application , the boiler ignition control system that adopts the PLC programmable controller can simplify the ignition system , and its reliability strengthens further .

  7. 通过流程中的参数化关键点控制,利用了参数可配置性的研究方法,实现了DNA模型自动生成器,完成DNA整体模型的绘制和渲染。

    Through controlling the parameterized key points , using the research methods of configurable parameter , it realizes automatically generating model of DNA and completes drawing and rendering the whole DNA model .

  8. 讨论了内涵于系统结构中的终端系统结构和通信网络结构,并对多点控制单元MCU作了深刻的剖析。随后,论述了视频会议系统的组网结构。

    Then the paper discusses the terminal system structure and network structure of system structure , and deeply analyzes the multi-point control unit MCU .

  9. 多点控制单元(MCU)是视频会议系统中一个非常重要的组成部分,但在目前的系统中一般均采用硬件来实现。

    Multipoint Control Unit ( MCU ) is a key component of videoconferencing system , but it is realized by hardware in the present system .

  10. 在H.323视频会议系统中,多点控制单元(MCU)作为会议的核心设备,其性能的重要性日益突出。

    In the video conference system of H.323 , the multipoint control unit is the core equipment . The performance of it has become increasingly important .

  11. H.323系统中多点控制单元是整个视频会议系统的核心组件,它控制和管理了整个会议系统从建立到结束的整个过程。

    MCU acts as an administrator role in H.323 network , and manages all endpoints and control the whole process of the video conference .

  12. 以太网无源光网络(EPON)是一种全新的宽带接入解决方案,而多点控制协议(MPCP)是解决EPON关键技术的核心协议。

    EPON is a new kind of broadband access solution , MPCP is the core protocol to solve EPON critical technology .

  13. 本论文主要对EPON系统的一些关键技术进行了深入的研究,包括系统的体系结构、多点控制协议、带宽分配算法的设计,特别是上行带宽分配算法上的研究。

    In this dissertation , some key technologies in EPON system are investigated , including study on structure , MPCP protocol , and band allocation algorithm , especial focused on band allocation schemes of EPON up channel .

  14. CORS的出现,完全改变了城市测量中布设控制点控制点被破坏再布设控制点这一恶性循环,成为近年来城市测绘的新热点。

    The appearance of CORS completely changed vicious circle of the measure on " control points laid - destroyed - and then laid again " and become a new hot spot in city mapping .

  15. 将危害分析与关键点控制(HACCP)应用于大豆冰淇淋生产中,进行危害分析,找出了影响质量的关键点,并提出了解决的方法途径,将危害控制在发生之前,保证了产品质量。

    HACCP ( Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point ) was applied to the preparation of soybean ice cream to find out the critical points affecting the quality . Corresponding solutions were put forward to control the hazard before happening and to guarantee the products ' quality .

  16. 在介绍EPON接入系统的框架结构和工作原理的基础上,介绍了多点控制协议(MPCP),并分析了动态带宽分配(DBA)的一些关键技术,重点讨论了各种DBA算法的性能和特点。

    With the description of the EPON 's network architecture and working principle , we introduce the Multi-Point Control Protocol ( MPCP ) and give the analysis of some important technology of DBA . Then we put emphasis upon the performance analysis of various DBA algorithms .

  17. 本文推导了ATBM寻的引信最佳炸点控制算法,及使用定向战斗部时所需的弹体坐标系中的脱靶方位,其中对应于最佳炸点的最佳延时为剩余飞行时间减去破片飞行时间。

    An optimum ATBM seeker fuze time delay algorithm and the azimuthal angle for the directional warhead in the missile coordinate system are deduced . The corresponding optimum burst time is equal to missile time to go deducting fragments flying time .

  18. 在这个新的协议中,它引入了混合协调功能(HCF),根据竞争介质的方式不同,混合协调功能包含了增强的分布式协调控制接入机制(EDCA)和混合协调点控制接入机制(HCCA)。

    It introduces a new coordination function , called Hybrid Coordination Function ( HCF ) . HCF contains two access mechanisms : the Enhanced Distributed Channel Access ( EDCA ) and Hybrid Coordination Function Controlled Channel Access ( HCCA ) .

  19. R-snake模型用较少的控制点控制一条连续、光滑的高斯曲线逼近目标轮廓,而且R-snake模型不需要内能约束项,计算速度比较快。

    The R-snake model approaches the target contour using fewer control points to control a continuous and smooth Gaussian curve , and does not need the internal energy . The calculation speed of the R-snake model is faster .

  20. 吉玛50kt/a短纤维生产中拉伸点控制及应用

    Analyse of drawing point controlling and application on staple process line

  21. 基于随机早期侦测和计点控制的避免拥塞实现

    Congestion avoidance based on random early detection and calculating number control

  22. 323的发展过程、终端、网关、网守、多点控制单元等几部分。

    323 , terminal , gateway , gatekeeper , multi-control unit .

  23. 浅析口岸卫生处理工作中的关键点控制

    Study on Key Point Control of Sanitation Disposal at Frontier Ports

  24. 炸点控制弹药毁伤效能研究

    Study on the Damage Effect of Explosion Location Controlled Ammunition

  25. 高速战斗部侵彻混凝土过程中的炸点控制

    Explosive Point Control of High Speed Projectiles during Concrete Penetration

  26. 九点控制闭环特性的研究与仿真

    Research and Simulation about the Close-Loop Feature of Nine-Point Control

  27. 视讯系统多点控制单元中视频处理模块的实现与优化

    Implementation and Optimization of Video Processing Module in MCU

  28. 弹性梁点控制、点测量与指数镇定

    Pointwise measure , control and stabilization of elastic beams

  29. 詹森:有点控制不住自己,对吗?

    Jason : Sort of an uncontrollable impulse huh ?

  30. 引信数字化炸点控制算法研究

    Algorithm Study of Digital Fuze to Burst Control