
  • 网络phthalide;d-NBP;phthalides
  1. GAP基地川芎药材中苯酞类成分的监测

    Investigation of phthalide compounds of Ligusticum chuanxiong in GAP base

  2. 目的连续6年动态监测四川灌县徐渡等乡国家GAP示范基地川芎药材中的苯酞类成分,寻找其活性成分藁本内酯和川芎内酯的含量规律。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the variation of the content of phthalide compounds of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort . in GAP base of GuanXian of Sichuan province .

  3. 丁基苯酞对大鼠短暂性缺血脑组织VEGF及bFGF表达的影响

    Effects of dl-3n-butylphthalide on the Expression of VEGF and bFGF in Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Rats

  4. dl3正丁基苯酞胶囊的主要不良反应是肝功能异常,以丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)和天冬氨酸氨基转移酶轻和中度升高为主,两者的异常率分别为175%和62%。

    Increased alanine aminotransferase ( ALT ) and aspartate aminotransferase were found in 17.5 % and 6.2 % respectively .

  5. 目的研究丁基苯酞对大鼠缺血脑组织中脑源性神经生长因子(BDNF)和神经生长因子(NGF)表达的影响。

    Objective To study the expressions of BDNF , BDNF mRNA , NGF and NGF mRNA in the permanent focal cerebral ischemia tissues of rats .

  6. 目的探讨抗脑缺血新药丁基苯酞(NBP)对缺血脑线粒体结构和功能的影响,以阐明其改善缺血脑损伤的作用机制。

    AIM To study the effects of butylphthalide ( NBP ) on the function and ultrastructure of neuronal mitochondria during cerebral ischemia .

  7. 丁基苯酞对原代培养的大鼠皮层神经细胞外液6-keto-PGF(1α)和TXB2及其比值的影响

    Effects of butylphthalide on extracellular 6 keto PGF 1 α , txb 2 and 6 keto PGF 1 α / txb 2 ratio in cultured rat cortical neurons

  8. 服用dl鄄3鄄正丁基苯酞软胶囊后的主要不良反应为丙氨酸转氨酶及天冬氨酸转氨酶水平轻中度升高,发生率为4.62%(3/65),停药后可恢复至正常水平。

    3 ) Drug safety evaluation demonstrated the main adverse effects of dl-3-butylphthalide soft capsules were liver dysfunction , ( 4.62 % , 3 / 65 ), showing slightly or moderately increased level of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase , but the levels were returned normal after withdrawal the medications .

  9. 丁基苯酞对大鼠血栓形成及血小板功能的影响

    Effects of 3-n-Butylphthalide on thrombosis formation and platelet function in rats

  10. 苯酐选择性加氢制苯酞催化剂的研究

    Study on catalyst for selective hydrogenation of phthalic anhydride to phthalide

  11. 丁基苯酞治疗缺血性脑血管病46例

    Effect of dl-3n-Butylphthalide in Treating Ischemic Cerebral Vascular Disease

  12. 丁基苯酞的药理作用及作用机制的研究

    The Pharmacological Effects of dl-3-n-Butylphthalide and Its Action Mechanisms

  13. 手性丁基苯酞对暂时性局部脑缺血大鼠脑梗死体积的影响

    Effects of chiral NBP on cerebral infarct volume due to transient focal cerebral ischemia

  14. 丁基苯酞的体内代谢转化研究

    Investigation on in vivo metabolism of n-butyl phthalide

  15. 丁基苯酞对阿尔茨海默病果蝇模型作用的实验研究

    A Study of the Effects of Dl-3-n-Butylphthalide on Drosophila Models of Alzheimer 's Disease

  16. 川芎有效成份的研究&新的苯酞类化合物4-羟基-3-丁基苯酞的结构测定

    Studies on the structure of a phthalide compound

  17. 高效液相色谱法测定芹菜籽中3-正丁基苯酞的含量

    Determination of 3-n-Butylphthalide in Celery Seed by HPLC

  18. 3-正丁基苯酞体内药动学及脑内转运机理的研究

    Studies on the Pharmacokinetics of 3-n-Butylphthalide in Rats and Rabbits and the Transport Mechanism in Brain

  19. 丁基苯酞对氯化钾和去甲肾上腺素引起的离体大鼠尾动脉环收缩的影响

    Effect of dl-3-n - butylphthalide on isolated tail artery contraction of rat induced by potassium chloride and norepinephrine

  20. 当归挥发油中丁烯基苯酞在兔体内的药物动力学

    Pharmacokinetics of butylidene phthalide in the volatile oil from Angelica sinensis ( Oliv . ) Diels in rabbits

  21. 丁基苯酞对脑缺血神经细胞凋亡的抑制作用及其机理研究

    Studies on the Inhibitory Effect of 3-n-butylphthalide on Neuronal Apoptosis Induced by Cerebral Ischemia and Its Action Mechanisms

  22. 本论文主要进行的是生物转化方面的研究,包括两部分的内容:紫杉烷类化合物的生物转化和手性药物左旋3&丁基苯酞的生物合成。

    In this thesis , we report the studies on the biotransformation of taxoids and biosynthesis of chiral pharmaceutical 1-3-n-butylphthalide .

  23. 丁基苯酞对低糖低氧引起神经细胞内钙升高的作用

    Effects of 3 N butylphthalide on the increase of intracellular calcium in neurons subjected to hypoxia and hypoglycemia and its mechanisms

  24. 以苯酞为原料,经硝化、溴化、水解合成5-硝基邻甲酰苯甲酸。

    In this paper , phthalide was chosen as raw material , and5-Nitrophthalaldehydic Acid was prepared by nitration , bromination and hydrolysis .

  25. dl-3-正丁基苯酞治疗中度急性缺血性脑卒中的多中心、随机、双盲和安慰剂对照研究

    Effects of dl-3-Butylphthalide on treatment of acute ischemic stroke with moderate symptoms : a multi-center , randomized , double-blind , placebo-control trial

  26. 川芎内酯类化合物都有苯酞类母核结构,是中药川芎的重要活性成分。

    Lactone compounds , with the same nuclear structure as that of phthalide , are the bioactive components of Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort .

  27. 介绍了一类结构为三芳甲烷苯酞系或荧烷系化合物的压(热)敏染料及其在无碳复写纸中的应用。

    A kind of Pressure ( Thermal ) - sensitive Dye and its application were introduced , which has the structure of triarylmethane phthalide or fluorane .

  28. 从该植物中分离出苯酞类、萜类、芳香族化合物等多种成份,获得了许多当归的有效成份以及对其功能主治的认识。

    Isolated from this plant phthalide , terpenoids , aromatic compounds and other ingredients . We received a lot of active ingredients and the knowledge of its Indication .

  29. 取代苯酞在三乙胺/三氯化铝存在下氨解生成取代2羟甲基苯甲酰胺(3)和1亚氨基1,3二氢异苯并呋喃(4)。

    Substituted 2 hydroxymethylbenzamides ( 3 ) and 1 imino 1,3 dihydro isobenzofurans ( 4 ) have been obtained by aminolysis of phthalides in the presence of triethylamine / aluminium chloride .

  30. 结果表明川芎苯酞软胶囊能明显改善缺血性中风恢复期(瘀血阻络证)患者的症状、体征,且无任何毒副作用。

    The results showed that benzene Chuanxiong Phthalocyanine soft capsule can improve the recovery of ischemic stroke ( blood stasis Syndrome ) patients with symptoms , signs , and without any side effects .