
tàn hēi
  • carbon black;black pigment;charcoal black;druss;coom
炭黑 [tàn hēi]
  • [charcoal black] 由烧焦物质(如木炭或骨炭)组成的一种黑色颜料

炭黑[tàn hēi]
  1. 炭黑高温CO2处理的研究

    Study on the Carbon Black Treated by CO_2 at High Temperature

  2. PE管材中炭黑分散影响因素的研究

    Study of Affecting Factor of Dispersion of Carbon Black in PE

  3. 炭黑的pH值与氧含量、表面酸性含氧基团含量的规律性

    Relationship Between pH and Contents of Oxygen and Surface Oxygenous Acid Group of Carbon Black

  4. 超声引发乳液聚合制备聚丙烯酸丁酯包覆炭黑OH自由基捕捉剂加速超声引发乳液聚合的研究

    Preparation of Poly ( n-Butyl acrylates ) Encapsulated Carbon Black via Ultrasonic Irradiation Initiating Emulsion Polymerization

  5. 1炭黑的pH值是衡量炭黑表面氧化程度的重要指标。

    The pH value of carbon black is important parameter of estimating oxidation degree of carbon black .

  6. 通过接枝产物的X射线光电子能谱及红外分析可以证实,马来酸酐已接枝到炭黑表面。

    It proved by X ray photoelectron spectroscopy and IR analysis that MAH was grafted onto CBS .

  7. 添加炭黑和交联剂的EVA半导电复合物性能研究

    A Study On Properties of EVA Composites Added Carbon Black and Crosslinkage Agent

  8. MT炭黑在轮胎胎体胶中的应用

    Application of MT Black to Tire Carcass Ply Compound

  9. 接枝炭黑/聚乙烯导电复合材料正电阻温度系数(PTC)效应研究

    Study on PTC Characteristics in Grafting Carbon Black / Polyethylene Conductive Composites

  10. CSF纳米炭黑硫化橡胶的性能

    Properties of Vulcanizates Containing Nanometer Carbon Black CSF

  11. 乙烯类聚合物-炭黑复合物的PTC效应

    The PTC Effect of Carbon Black Filled Vinyl Polymer

  12. PTC型炭黑/高聚物导电复合材料的研究

    Research on the PTC Composites of CB / Polymer

  13. 聚乙烯-炭黑复合材料PTC特性的研究

    Research on the PTC Properties of Polyethylene Carbonblack Composites

  14. 炭黑预处理对HDPE/CB复合物PTC特性的影响

    Effect of Carbon Black Treatment on PTC Properties of HDPE / CB Composites

  15. 热解炭黑(Pyrolyticcarbonblack,CBp)是废轮胎热解的重要产物之一。

    Pyrolytic carbon black ( CBp ) was one of the most important products derived from waste tires pyrolysis .

  16. XPS法可以有效的研究炭黑表面元素的组成及化学结构。

    The element composition and chemical structures on carbon black surface are studied efficiently by means of XPS .

  17. 稀土掺杂高耐磨炭黑填充型粉末NR研究I.硫化胶的物理机械性能

    Study on ( HAF carbon black-rare earth ) - filled powdered NR ⅰ . Mechanical properties of vulcanizates

  18. 研究了MT炭黑在轮胎胎体胶中的应用,对试验配方作相应调整,并进行小配合、大配合及实际使用实验。

    The application of MT black to the tire carcass ply compound was studied through the compounding test .

  19. 对马来酸酐接枝炭黑进行了结构表征和应用,结果表明:接枝炭黑使PVC分散性更好,并可显著提高抗冲击强度和拉伸强度。

    The results showed that the grafted carbon black had better dispersion in PVC , the impact strength and tensile strength increased obviously .

  20. SEM分析表明,P(CR/SRF)粒子表面和内部尚存在部分未被包覆的游离炭黑粒子是造成接触污染性的主要原因。

    SEM analysis showed that the free carbon black existing in the surface and inner of P ( CR / SRF ) particles was the main reason for the contact-pollution .

  21. 用高导电性、高比表面积的工业炭黑(BET表面积为1080m2/g)作为超级电容器的电极材料。

    Industrial carbon black ( CB ) with high specific surface area and excellent electrical conductivity was used as electrode material for supercapacitor .

  22. 应用ANSYS软件对NR/炭黑混炼胶的平入口收敛流动进行二维有限元模拟。

    The 2 D finite element simulation for the converging flow of NR / carbon black mix at planar entrance was made by ANSYS software .

  23. 研究了含结晶水无机物和乙炔炭黑(CB)填充聚合物复合材料的吸波性能。

    The microwave-absorbing property of polymer filled with inorganic substance with crystal water and carbon black was examined .

  24. 用多元乳液共聚法制备了用于粘贴导静电PVC地板胶粘剂,加入乙炔炭黑赋予乳液胶粘剂导静电性能。

    Using emulsion copolymerization technique the emulsion adhesive used for static conducting PVC flooring was prepared and endued with static conductibility by introducing acetylene black .

  25. 结果发现,乙炔炭黑用于制备PTC导电复合材料具有PTC效应强、炭黑逾渗值适中、加工便利的优点;

    The results show that the acetylene black is suitable for preparing PTC composites with a good electricity conductivity .

  26. 不同炭黑填充的PVC/EPDM复合NTC材料电性能的研究

    Research on the conductivity of different CB Filled PVC / EPDM NTC composites

  27. 主要研究了SBS?炭黑复合改性沥青的结构与性能,特别是高温贮存稳定性。

    However , SBS modified asphalt is prone to unstable during hot storage , which present an obstacle to its development .

  28. 研究了由乙烯-醋酸乙烯(EVA)共聚物、炭黑、加工助剂等配制的电力电缆用可交联半导电屏蔽料。

    The semiconductive and shielding crosslinking materials made from ethylene - vinyl acetate copolymer , carbon black and other processing aids were studied .

  29. 采用DLS、TEM和AFM研究了接枝炭黑的粒径和形貌。

    Particle sizes and morphologies of these grafted carbon black samples were studied by DLS , TEM and AFM .

  30. 因此,炭黑粒径越大越有利于提高IIR的阻尼性能。

    Therefore , the damping properties of IIR were improved with the carbon black particle size increasing .