
zhuó tòng
  • burning pain;causalgia;thermalgia;ache with a feeling of burning
灼痛 [zhuó tòng]
  • [ache with a feeling of burning] 痛处有烧灼感。多见于郁火伤阴之胃脘痛或热毒炽盛的疮疡、烫火伤等

灼痛[zhuó tòng]
  1. 辣椒素(capsaicin,CAP)是红辣椒中的主要成分,它可以选择性的激活感觉神经元,向中枢神经系统传导伤害性刺激从而产生灼痛。

    CAP , the main ingredient in hot chili peppers , elicits a sensation of burning pain by selectively activating sensory neurons that convey information about noxious stimuli to the central nervous system ( CNS ) .

  2. 我觉得这儿钝痛,而不是灼痛。

    I feel a dull pain here rather than a burning pain .

  3. 俄罗斯驻欧盟大使弗拉基米尔•奇若夫(VladimirChizhov)常常一脸微笑却深藏不露,一谈到共同价值观及法治事业之类问题的时候就会让他这样的俄罗斯官员灼痛难忍。

    Talk of common values and the rule of law causes heartburn among such Russian officials as Vladimir Chizhov , a smiling and impenetrable ambassador to the EU .

  4. 灼口综合征(BMS)是指发生于口腔粘膜以灼痛感觉为主的一组症候群,其发生与局部、全身、精神心理等多种因素相关。

    Burning mouth syndrome ( BMS ) means a group of syndromes , which present an sense of burning pain in mouth . The pathogenic factors are related to local , whole body , mental / psychological aspects .

  5. 它能有助于缓解晒伤的灼痛感、痒和发炎。

    It can help ease sunburn pain , itching , and inflammation .

  6. 他觉得眼睛被这一派红色的火焰灼痛了。

    His eyes felt scorched by this world of red .

  7. 飞溅的浪花灼痛了他们的伤口和肿处。

    The sea spry stings all their cuts and bruises .

  8. 肋间神经痛呈阵发性的灼痛或刺痛。

    Intercostal neuralgia causes paroxysmal burning pain or pricking pain .

  9. 你们有治胃烧灼痛的药吗?

    Have you got a medicine for heart burn ?

  10. 那个耳光使她的面颊灼痛。

    The slap across the face stung her cheek .

  11. 朱莉娅感到额头一阵灼痛。

    Julia felt a burning pain across her forehead .

  12. 灼痛常适用于活动的消化性溃疡的感觉。

    Burning pain is often applied to the sensation of active peptic ulceration .

  13. 她的手臂忽起灼痛感。

    A searing pain shot up her arm .

  14. 这股灼痛让我想要大叫,不过我嘴里咬着的筷子让我叫不出来。

    The searing pain made me want to scream but the chopstick prevented it .

  15. 被骄阳灼痛的眼睛,流泪了。

    By sun burning eyes , tears .

  16. 穿刺治疗后3例出现发热,2例退针后出现穿刺部位灼痛。

    After treatment , 3 have fever , 2 have ache on the part of puncture .

  17. 电火花灼痛了他的手臂。

    Electric spark stung his arm .

  18. 颈外动脉插管化疗组主要为口腔粘膜溃疡、糜烂及灼痛感。

    The toxic effects of intra arterial chemotherapy were mouth ulcers , erosion , and causalgia .

  19. 用于湿热下注引起的阴道痉痒、灼痛、带下等症。

    Bet for the hot and humid due to vaginal itching , burning , and vaginal discharge embolism .

  20. 患者多感有鼻黏膜干燥、灼痛、呼吸道不适等症状。

    Most of patients have aridity of nasal mucosa , burning pain , discomfortable symptom of respiratory channel .

  21. 那种“隐隐的灼痛”,其实是一个诗人时刻迷恋的幸福。

    That kind of faint pain actually is the felicity of a poet 's fascination in every instant .

  22. 当他触到我的时候,他的触碰灼痛了我的手,仿佛有一股电流刹那间从我们身上流过。

    When he touched me , it stung my hand as if an electric current had passed through us .

  23. 引起炎症的病原体有细菌、病毒、霉菌或寄生虫,典型症状有尿频、尿急、尿灼痛和腰痛。

    Symptoms include Burning pain during and right after urination , unusually urgent or frequent urination , and lower Back pain .

  24. 研究中,22名受试者均被安装了疼痛装置,使得他们的皮肤产生灼痛感。

    In the study , 22 volunteers had a pain device put on their skin that was too hot for comfort .

  25. 流行性胸痛,流行性胸肌痛最近他感觉自己胸骨后灼痛,医生怀疑他患有食管癌。

    He has been feeling a burning pain behind his chest bones recently . The doctor suspects that he has esophagus cancer .

  26. 首先,你要学会忍受,不是忍受空虚落寂,而是心灵灼痛。

    Firstly , you should learn bearing ; it is not to bear emptiness and lonesome , but the scorching pain of heart .

  27. 冻伤的迹象除包括皮肤的疼痛感和灼痛感外,还包括已冻伤区域的刺痛感或麻木感。

    Signs of frostbite include a tingling or numbness in affected areas in addition to feelings of pain or burning on the skin .

  28. 在某些情况下,女孩会感到小便时灼痛,否则将有黄绿色阴道分泌物。

    In some cases , girls will feel a burning sensation when they urinate , or they will have a yellow-green vaginal discharge .

  29. 非典型性胸痛多呈刺痛或灼痛样,每次发作之间的疼痛部位与程度变化通常都很大。

    Atypical chest pain tends to be stabbing or burning and is often quite variable in position and intensity from one episode to another .

  30. 下午,皮肤开始感到太阳晒伤的灼痛,我的客户停止了垂钓。

    In the late afternoon , about the time the skin begins to feel sore from a fresh sunburn , my client stopped fishing .