
huǒ shí
  • flint;fire-stone
火石 [huǒ shí]
  • [flint] 一种块状不很纯净的石英变种,通常为灰色到褐色或近黑色,贝壳状断口,边部尖锐坚硬,用钢打击生火花

火石[huǒ shí]
  1. 本设计成功的关键在于对双胶、双分透镜组来说,打破了常规地选用火石玻璃-火石玻璃(F-F)的组合;

    The successful key consists in the double adhesive and double separate lens which select flint flint ( F F ) the combination ;

  2. 以LED作光源、PIN作接收、火石玻璃为磁感应材料、多模光纤作导光波导的混合型大电流光纤传感器,用于监视高压电网系统中的电流。

    The hybrid large current fiber sensor consists of a LED as light sourse , PIN as light receiver , flint glass as magnetic inductor and multimode fiber as light conductor .

  3. 加入AI、Bi后;其退火石墨数增加,退火时间缩短。

    After adding Al and Bi , the counts of annealing graphite increased and annealing time reduced .

  4. 一个瑞典的名叫Pasch的化学家发现了无毒的红色的火石非结晶的磷在一个Pasch的同胞J。

    That was62 years after a Swedish chemist called Pasch had discovered non-toxic red or amorphous phosphorus , a development exploited commercially by Pasch 's compatriot J.

  5. 该声光Q开关采用重火石玻璃作声光介质,其互作用长度仅为15mm,衍射效率高达80%,插入损耗仅为8%。

    This A-O Q-swith uses the dense flint glass as the A-O medium . It has an A-O interactive length of 15 mm and the diffraction efficiency is up to 80 % , but the insertion loss is only 8 % .

  6. 借助科希色散公式得到膜系材料在红外波段下的折射率,分别以重火石ZF-7玻璃、K9玻璃为基底材料给出了相应的红外波段消偏振膜系。

    According to Cauchy 's dispersion formula , refractive indices of film materials are obtained . For different glass substrates , such as ZF-7 glass and K9 glass , NPBSs in infrared band are investigated , respectively .

  7. 为了加深对灵敏度问题的理解,这里以琼斯矩阵为数学工具,利用理论分析和计算机仿真的方法研究了重火石玻璃的Verdet常数色散特性及其对块状玻璃光学电流传感器灵敏度的影响。

    The dispersion properties of the Verdet constant of the ZF-7 optical glass and its effect upon the ( sensitivity ) of a bulk-glass optical current sensor are theoretically analyzed using the Jones ' matrix as a mathematical tool and computer simulation .

  8. 重火石、镧系镜片加工过程中的防腐

    Corrosion Prevention in Working Process of Lanthanide and Heavy Flint Lenses

  9. 能否感受到风中的电光火石?

    Can they feel the crackle of electricity in the wind ?

  10. 三峡库区奉节火石滩滑坡的监测预警工程技术

    Monitoring and Predicting Engineering for Landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region

  11. 低热光常数火石玻璃熔制工艺的探讨

    The Melting Technology Inquiry for " Athermalized " Flint Glass

  12. 约书亚就制造了火石刀,在除皮山那里给以色列人行割礼。

    So Joshua made flint knives and circumcised the Israelites at Gibeath Haaraloth .

  13. 就在那电光火石的一瞬,我的心头涌上一个问题。

    It was right about then that a question started nagging at me .

  14. 火石光学玻璃二次熔炼中的铂铑着色

    Coloration of Pt and Rh in the Secondary Melting of Flint Optical Glass

  15. 特种火石玻璃单坩埚漏料工艺研究

    Dropping Technology of a Single Pot Used for Melting Special Flint Optical Glass es

  16. 另外还有精品香烟盒、棉芯和火石等配置。

    Cigarette case . cotton-core and flint .

  17. 电光火石之间就想出那么美丽的一个谎言…那丫头绝对不是小丑。

    Coming up with a lie like that in the moment -- that girl is no clown .

  18. 通常还要附带有名为火石的生火工具,便于忍者们点燃燃料。

    A fire-starting tool called a tsuketake was usually attached to the donohi to set the fuel ablaze .

  19. 它能扩增并控制由火石、医疗水晶、能量水晶发出的各种晶体光束。

    It amplified and controlled the various crystal beams sent from the fire , healing and energy crystals .

  20. 燧石,经除粗劈或粗削方以外的进一步加工(不包括汉滤管和打火机用火石)

    Flint , further worked than roughly split or squared ( excl. filter tubes and flints for lighters )

  21. 电光火石间,飞机从空中坠入大海,并彻底从雷达中消失。

    Suddenly , the plane dropped from the air into the water , completely vanishing from the radar .

  22. 其结果表明东岭地区火石岭组在中部区域喷溢相上部亚相和火山通道相发育。

    The upper subfacies of effusive facies and volcanic vent facies well developed in the middle area of Huoshiling Formation .

  23. 困难模式下,如果掉落稀有武器的话,也会偶而掉晶化火石。

    The Grab Bag dro ed by all Firelands bo es should now occasionally contain Crystallized Firestones in Heroic difficulty .

  24. 我们相距一英尺,互相凝望,什么也不说,只感受着吸引的电光火石。

    We stood about a foot apart and looked at each other saying nothing but feeling electric sparks of genuine attraction .

  25. 电光火石间你就化为灰烬。

    Flash of light , searing pain , then : Poof . You 're nothing more than a pile of ash .

  26. 感染力的确,一个人该如何解释见到旧情人lover:情人,爱人jolt:一击,震惊;令人震惊(或失望的事)electricity:电那种电光火石的感受呢?

    How does one explain the indescribable pull to see an old lover , to feel that jolt of electricity ? -

  27. 对陕西火石咀煤矿厚煤层放顶煤开采自然发火原因进行了分析,并提出了合理的防治措施。

    The paper analyzes the causes of spontaneous ignition in caving mining in Shaanxi Huoshizui coal mine and puts forward reasonable prevention measures .

  28. 透镜望远镜,或称折射望远镜,在人们能够制造出高质量的火石玻璃透镜以后得到了很大的改进。

    The lens telescope , or refractor , was vastly improved when it became possible to manufacture high-quality lenses made from flint glass .

  29. 确定了二次熔炼后的火石光学玻璃产生的着色或光吸收增加,是由于铂铑坩埚中铂铑金属转变为离子态进入玻璃产生的。

    It was confirmed that the color produced in secondary melting was due to the transformation of metallic Pt , Rh into ionic states .

  30. 我们用火石玻璃作为法拉第旋转材料,用多模光纤作为光信号的传导材料构成混合型光纤电流传感器。

    A hybrid fiber current sensor system has been built by using flint glass as Faradaymaterial and multimode fiber as conduct material of optical signal .