
  • 网络Motivator;motivation factor;motivating factors;stimulus
  1. 任务:识别成功因素、促进因素和重用激励因素

    Task : Identify Success Factors , Enablers and Reuse Motivators

  2. 为了避免这一问题,她建议雇主重视其他非货币形式的“外在激励因素”,例如鼓励同事成为朋友,重视员工的意见等。

    To avoid this problem , Teagarden recommends that companies focus on other , non-monetary , " extrinsic motivators , " like encouraging friendship among coworkers and valuing employees ' opinions .

  3. 以TV家庭购物和冲动购买为研究基础,分析冲动购物的激励因素,通过检验设定的问题来确定其影响力。

    On the basic of TV home shopping and impulsive buying , stimulating factors of impulsive buying was analyzed , and its influence was settled through verification setting .

  4. 在考虑SOA和服务重用的成功因素和激励因素之前,一定要了解共享服务模型和重用的传统挑战和局限性。

    Before considering the success factors and motivators for SOA and service reuse , it is important to understand the traditional challenges and constraints with shared service models and reuse .

  5. 本文就是利用博弈论中的非合作博弈、多阶段完全信息动态博弈以及信息博弈论中的委托代理理论,构建了一个博弈框架来对企业RD激励因素进行分析并提出了相应的对策。

    In this thesis , we apply non-cooperative game , multiple - complete information dynamic game and commitment-agency theory of information game theory to establishment the incentive mechanism of enterprise R & D .

  6. 此外,将矛盾作为系统运行的激励因素引入DSS系统,这对于传统DSS设计中回避人的矛盾冲突的思想是一种新的突破。

    Besides , contradict was considered as the impetus of system dynamics , which is a breakthrough of conventional DSS design where contradicts and conflicts were avoided .

  7. 虽然束心Corkscrew运动与束心平均偏轴具有很多相同的激励因素,但二者具有截然不同的机理。

    Although there are many common inspiriting factors , the Corkscrew motion and average eccentricity of beam centroid have absolutely different mechanism .

  8. 联盟的主席兼首席执行官MariaFreire说,2000年联盟成立的时候把2010年研发出新药的期限确立为一个“重要的激励因素”。

    Maria Freire , president and chief executive officer of the alliance says the2010 deadline was set as " an important motivator " when the alliance formed in2000 .

  9. 调查结果显示,AA企业知识型员工最为关注的激励因素为:工资福利、领导素质、团队合作、公司前景、工作成就、能力发挥。

    And the incentive factors gained most attention of the employee in AA company include Salary and Benefits , Managers ' Capability , Organization Cooperation , Foreground of the Company , Accomplishment from the Work , Capability of Exertion .

  10. 已故哈佛大学心理学教授戴维麦克莱兰(davidmcclelland)的结论是:“权力是极大的激励因素”,他的研究可以帮助我们理解这个问题。

    The work of the late David McClelland , Professor of psychology at Harvard University , helped our understanding of the problem when he concluded that " power is the great motivator " .

  11. 激励因素&保健因素理论是美国的行为科学家弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格(FredrickHerzberg)提出来的,又称双因素理论。

    The theory of motivation factor and health protective factor is raised by American behavioral scientist Fredrick Herzberg , which is also called dual-factor theory .

  12. 高校教师的激励因素研究

    Study on the Motivation Factors for Teachers in Colleges and Universities

  13. 基于协同效应的团队合作激励因素研究

    A Study on Incentive Factors of Team Cooperation based on Synergy Effect

  14. 民营企业部门经理激励因素的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Department Managers ' Motivational Factors in Private Enterprises

  15. 激励因素需求与员工责任感,宜人性正相关。

    Motivation Factor is positive-related to employee conscientiousness and agreeableness .

  16. 知识共享的激励因素及其模型研究

    Study on the Motivation Factors and Model of Knowledge Sharing

  17. 被老板表扬是一个强有力的激励因素。

    Being praised by a boss can be a very potent motivator .

  18. 生产制造型企业中层管理人员激励因素研究

    Study on Incentive Factors of Middle Managers in Manufacturing Enterprises

  19. 再依据六个激励因素,设计出47个题项,用里克特量表进行编制。

    Forty-seven questions based on these six factors were compiled .

  20. 电激励因素影响合成射流的实验研究

    Experimental investigation of the effects of electrical forcing factors on synthetic jets

  21. 在许多职业中,钱仍然是主要的激励因素。

    Money is still a major incentive in most occupations .

  22. 推动中国消费者大把花钱的激励因素并不多。

    Incentives for a substantial consumer spending spree are meagre .

  23. 当前国有商业银行员工重视的激励因素

    What Incentive Factors Staff in State-Owned Commercial Banks are interested in at Present

  24. 创新是激励因素的主要来源。

    Innovation is main source of the motivation factors .

  25. 运用文献查阅法,从国外及国内的研究当中整理出一些激励因素。

    Use of literatures , from abroad and domestic studies shows some motivator .

  26. 要充分发挥激励因素与保健因素的作用,企业需要创造一个激励环境。

    An encouraging environment are need for the full effect of such factors .

  27. 工程建设中的激励因素分析

    An Analysis of The Incentive Factors in Constructive Projects

  28. 盈余管理受多种激励因素的驱动而存在。

    Earnings management is driven by many activation factors .

  29. 城市环境卫生行业职工需求/激励因素研究

    Study on the Staff Need and Encouragement Factors in Urban Environmental Sanitation Trade

  30. 酒店员工激励因素的实证分析

    An Empirical Study on the Motivators of Hotel Employees