
  1. 潮州筝曲诸调特点及演奏风格刍议

    A Brief Discussion on Various Tunes of Chaozhou Zheng and Its Playing Style

  2. 潮州筝与活五调

    Chaozhou Zheng and " Vibrating Five Tunes "

  3. 潮州筝派的作韵特色

    The Features of Verve to Chaozhou Zheng-Music School

  4. 筝曲《柳青娘》则是“潮州筝乐”中主要的也是变体最多的传统曲目之一。

    Meanwhile , the Chinese Zheng music , Liuqingniang , is one of traditional repertoires with the most variations among the Chaozhou Zheng music .

  5. 这一地区较为集中地分布着三个风格古朴优美的古筝流派:潮州筝派、客家筝派和福建筝派。

    This area pools three genres of Zheng with its distinctive style of passion and grace : Hakka Zheng , Chaozhou Zheng and Fujian Zheng .

  6. 作为中国古筝艺术中的一个著名流派,潮州筝乐在音乐内容、技法表现、演奏特点上有着鲜明的美学特征,同时又有着广泛而深远的群众基础。

    As a famous genre in the art of the Chinese Zheng , the Chaozhou Zheng music has its obvious aesthetic characteristics in music content , technique representation , performance feature and also has a broad and deep mass foundation .