
qián liú
  • undercurrent;underflow;subcurrent
潜流 [qián liú]
  • (1) [underflow;undercurrent]∶地面下的水流,也指水在地下流动

  • (2) [subcurrent]∶比喻潜藏在内心的情感

潜流[qián liú]
  1. 137°E赤道潜流1月年际变化及其原因的探讨

    The interannual variability of Equatorial Undercurrent in January at 137 ° e

  2. ElNi■o期间太平洋赤道潜流逆转事件

    A Event of Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent Inversion During El Ni ■ o

  3. W向的巴布亚新几内亚沿岸潜流可达该断而的东南部门(2°N一2°S);

    The Papua New Guinea Coastal Under-current can reach the southeast part of the section ( 2 ° N-2 ° S ) .

  4. 赤道潜流变化及其与ENSO的关系

    Variations of equatorial undercurrent and its relationship with ENSO cycle

  5. 间歇式潜流人工湿地中COD、NH4-N动态变化特征

    Cod_ ( cr ) and nh_4-n dynamic variation characteristics in batch subsurface flow constructed wetland

  6. 认为赤道潜流运动逆转并非1982~1983年ELNino期间的偶发事件。

    It would be thought that the occurrence of Equatorial Undercurrent inversion during the 1982 / 83 El Nino is not an occasional event .

  7. 就本试验而言,不同构型湿地对PAEs、PCBs的去除效果表现为波式潜流湿地好于水平潜流湿地。

    This experiment , the wave subsurface flow wetland has higher removal efficiency than horizontal subsurface flow wetland . 4 .

  8. 西太平洋赤道海域是监测赤道潜流变异及其与ELNino事件关系的关键地区。

    The western Equatorial Pacific Ocean is a key region for monitoring both the Equatorial Undercurrent variation and its relation with the El Nino event .

  9. Monod模型在潜流式人工湿地中的应用探讨

    Research of Application of MONOD Model in Subsurface Constructed Wetland

  10. 在年际变化中,赤道潜流变化特征非常明显,尤其是在ELNino事件发生过程中,赤道潜流出现明显的加强现象。

    The annual change of EUC is very obvious too , and particularly in the period of El Nino event occurs , the EUC appears obvious strengthening phenomenon .

  11. 潜流型人工湿地对污水中磷有较好的去除效果,但除磷效率受到季节、植物种类、pH值、溶氧(DO)及水力条件等诸多因素影响。

    The subsurface constructed wetland can remove phosphorus in wastewater with high efficiency , but the phosphorus removal efficiency is affected by several factors such as season , kind of grown plant , pH value , DO and hydraulic characters , etc.

  12. 通过分析测试研究了波式潜流人工湿地(wavysubsurfaceflowconstructedwetland,简称W-SFCW)运行期间基质的磷素沉积量,以便解析不同人工湿地基质对于污水磷素去除的关系。

    Phosphorus precipitation on the bedding materials in the system of wavy subsurface flow constructed wetland ( W-SFCW ) was studied so as to analyze the relationship between bedding materials and phosphorus removal .

  13. 采用PCR-DGGE技术研究净化受污染水体的潜流人工湿地中的微生物种群结构及其分布特征,考察不同盐度抑制作用下降解阿特拉津的潜流人工湿地中微生物种群结构及其分布特征。

    The microbial community and its distributing character in the constructed wetland treating polluted water and atrazine with different salinity were studied .

  14. 潜流人工湿地通过硝化、反硝化、累积、降解、络合、吸附、沉淀、拦截等作用实现对去污水中TSS、有机物、N、P、金属以及病原菌的去除。

    Subsurface flow constructed wetland system remove TSS , N , P , Pathogen , organic compound and metal by nitrify , denitrify , accumulation , degradation , complexing , adsorption , sedimentation , interception and so on .

  15. 研究了潜流-上行垂直流复合人工湿地工艺对NH4+-N、NO3&N、TN和TP的去除效果。

    This paper studied the removal effects of NH ~ - _4-N , NO ~ - _3-N , TN and TP by the integrated subsurface flow-upward vertical flow constructed wetland process .

  16. 运用PCR-DGGE技术研究3种不同类型的潜流人工湿地中微生物种群结构,结合多样性分析和聚类分析方法,分析了人工湿地微生物种群结构特征。

    Microbial community structure was conducted with the technology of PCR-DGGE . The result was analyzed with diversity index analysis and cluster analysis .

  17. 在4m/d的高水力负荷条件下,两块潜流湿地对COD和总氮的去除率均可达到30%~65%;对其他污染物的去除效果也很接近。

    The experiment indicated that the removal rates of COD and TN in the two different subsurface wetland areas were 30 % ~ 65 % , respectively under high hydraulic loading rate ( 4m / d ) .

  18. 利用日本海洋调查船沿137°E断面8°N1°S之间、19681985年每年1月份的海流实测资料,分析了该断面上赤道潜流的变化。

    Current observation data by Japanese research vessels between 8 ° N and 1 ° S along the section of 137 ° E in months of January from 1968-1984 were used to examine the variability of Equatorial Undercurrent ( EUC ) in this area .

  19. 潜流式人工复合生态床对生活污水中COD和TP的平均去除率分别为85%和80%以上,对总氮去除率为55%左右。

    Subsurface flow type constructed wetland system used for domestic sewage treatment has average removal rate of COD and TP above 85 % and 80 % respectively , and removal rate of total nitrogen about 55 % .

  20. 将波形潜流人工湿地(wavysubsurfaceflowconstructedwetland,简称W-SFCW)在相同条件下与水平潜流人工湿地进行对比试验。

    A new type of constructed wetland system for sewage treatment , called wavy subsurface flow constructed wetland ( W-SFCW ), was studied and paralleled with horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland ( SFCW ) at same test conditions .

  21. 1986~1987年厄尔尼诺事件中,赤道Kelvin波流速模态起主要作用,赤道潜流增强。

    During the 1986 ~ 1987 EI Nino event , the equatorial kelvin wave current model played the main role , EUC was strengthened . During the twice EI Nino events ;

  22. NEC、KC、MC下方均存在逆流或潜流,后两者称为吕宋潜流(LUC)和MUC。

    There is countercurrent or undercurrent below the NEC , KC and MC , and the latter two are known as the Luzon Undercurrent ( LUC ) and MUC .

  23. 垂直潜流人工湿地不利于大气复氧,并因而造成NH3-N去除率较低,平均去除率小于10%。

    Vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland has negative effect on reaeration , which caused a low removal rate of NH3-N ; the average removal rate was less than 10 % .

  24. 运用化学工程中反应器理论,试验分析波式潜流人工湿地(W-SFCW)中的停留时间分布。

    The residence time distribution in W-SFCW system experiments was studied using the reactor theory , from chemical engineering .

  25. 对于五里湖水体,适宜的进水负荷为0.8m3/(m2·d)左右,此时垂直流、潜流人工湿地的TN和TP的去除效率均在50%以上。

    The removal efficiencies of TN and TP of the constructed wetlands were above 50 % for both VFW and SFW with HLR at 0.8 m ~ 3 / ( m ~ 2 · h ), which is the best option .

  26. 通过与试验数据对比,其模拟误差介于6.8%~30.6%之间,表明生态动力学模型能较好地预测美人蕉人工潜流湿地系统出水PAEs、PCBs浓度。

    The error between the modeled and experimental results was between 6.8 % ~ 30.6 % , show that ecological dynamics model can better predict PAEs , PCBs effluent concentration in Canna artificial subsurface flow wetland system .

  27. 当水力负荷为0.5~15cm/d时,湿地出水的TP去除率可达到73%,试验结果一定程度上显示了潜流型湿地的除磷规律。

    By controlling the hydraulic load in the range of 0.5cm / d ~ 15cm / d , the TP removal efficiency of outlet wastewater could reach 73 % . To certain extent the results of experiment indicated some phosphorus removal laws of subsurface wetland .

  28. 由于该上升流的存在,使赤道潜流沿纬向发生弯曲:位于上升流西侧的潜流流轴降至300m水层深处,而东侧上升至100m左右的水层深处。

    In the presence of the upwelling , the EUC meanders along the zonal direction , with its core diving down to 300m depth at the west side of the upwelling and rising up to 100m depth at the east side .

  29. 第1段人工湿地为潜流,周期12h,进水6h,排水6h,水力停留时间(HRT)3d,COD去除率60%~80%,最高达8856%;

    The first stage constructed wetland was subsurface flow . One cycle was 12 h , including 6 h feed and 6 h drain . After 3 days of HRT , COD Cr removal varied from 60 % to 80 % , the maximum was 88.56 % ;

  30. 低浸润线湿地为74%、96%、35%、22%.提出动态浸润线及序批式潜流人工湿地工艺(CBSW),其对COD、NH+4-N、TN、TP去除率为67%、62%、53%、33%。

    Dynamic saturation line was proposed and Cyclic Batch Subsurface Wetland ( CBSW ) was invented in this paper , which achieves removal percentage of 67 % , 62 % , 53 % , 33 % individually for COD ,( NH ~ + _4-N ,) TN , TP .