
  1. 河面上漂浮物体的运动

    The motion of a floating object on the river

  2. 两者的情形就像是一个圆形的漂浮物体将会如何用它的重结束向下向东它本身。

    Both cases are analogous to how a rounded floating object will orient itself with its heavy end downwards .

  3. 漂浮物体被定为在相距大约60千米的两个地区,距离巴西东北海岸大约650千米。

    The floating material was located in two areas roughly 60 kilometers apart , about 650 kilometers off the northeast coast of Brazil .

  4. 对于漂浮物体任意幅值的大振幅运动问题,计算域随时间不断变换,应用弹性伸缩动网格技术对物体瞬时湿表面进行重新剖分。

    For an arbitrary large amplitude motion problem of a floating body , the computational domain is variable with time and a stretching dynamic grid technique is introduced to re-mesh the instantaneous wetted body surface .

  5. 像漂浮的物体一样的移动。

    Move like a floating object .

  6. 他在《CurrentBiology》中写道,海洋微生物附着在漂浮的塑料物体上,它们的气味诱使海龟进食。

    As he writes in Current Biology , he thinks that the odour of marine6 micro-organisms which colonise floating plastic objects induces turtles to feed .

  7. 因此,Pfaller博士推断,海龟也在遵循着这些相同的化学物质,而且同样会误以为漂浮的塑料物体是可以食用的。

    Dr Pfaller theorised that they are following these same chemicals , and are likewise fooled into thinking that floating plastic objects are edible13 .

  8. 因此,我们致力于将液体中的细胞漂浮于某些物体上可以精确的组织出像肾脏这样的结构。

    So we are working on how you turn cells floating about in liquid into something as precisely arranged as a kidney .

  9. 马来西亚遥感局发布3月23日拍摄的卫星图像,图像中显示了南印度洋海面漂浮着一些物体。

    The Malaysian remote sensing agency released satellite images taken on March 23rd that show objects floating in the southern Indian Ocean .