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  • 网络binhai new area;tianjin binhai new area;binhai new district
  1. 随着天津滨海新区(以下简称新区)的开发开放上升为国家级发展战略,其旅游业也迎来了前所未有的发展契机,但同时仍然存在一定的不利因素和竞争挑战。

    As the development and opening up of Tianjin binhai new area rising to the national strategy , its tourism also has unprecedented development opportunities , but is still faced with some disadvantages and competitive challenges .

  2. 滨海新区与浦东新区FDI业绩潜力指数比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis on FDI Performance Potential Index between Binhai New Area and Pudong New Area

  3. 基于FDI技术溢出效应的天津滨海新区产业集群升级

    Upgrade of Industrial Clusters of Binhai New Area of Tianjin Based on FDI Technology Spillover Effect

  4. 本文以质量管理理论为基础,借鉴国内外先进的质量管理理论理念,研究滨海新区G泵站市政工程质量现状和管理中存在的问题。

    This thesis studies quality management problem in Binhai New Area G pumping station municipal engineering , which is based on management theory .

  5. 天津滨海新区OTC市场运行模式研究

    Research on OTC Market Operational Pattern in Binhai New Area of Tianjin

  6. 基于DEA的经济新区投资绩效评价&以天津滨海新区为例

    The Investment efficiency evaluation of New Economic area based on DEA & Take Tianjin New coastal area as the example

  7. 滨海新区设立了富有胆识的发展目标:2010年GDP比上年同期增长24.5%,全年工业生产总值同比增长25%。

    The new area has set a bold target of a24.5-percent year-on-year GDP growth for2010 , and a yearly industrial output growth rate of25 percent .

  8. 制定滨海新区OTC市场的上市标准对于其市场定位及其发展至关重要。

    Listing standards of Binhai-new-area OTC market play an important role in its orientation and future development .

  9. 目前,滨海新区的GDP产值已占天津市GDP总量的一半以上,在天津经济发展中发挥着重要的带头作用。

    Binhai New Area 's GDP now accounts for more than half of the municipality 's total GDP , and plays a leading role in Tianjin 's development .

  10. 对外资业绩指数和潜力指数的再思考与利用外资绩效评价滨海新区与浦东新区FDI业绩潜力指数比较分析

    On the Evaluation of FDI Performance and Rethinking of FDI Performance Index and FDI Potential Index ; A Comparative Analysis on FDI Performance Potential Index between Binhai New Area and Pudong New Area

  11. 应用AHP方法确定各项指标的权重,以综合评分的方式得到滨海新区在全球气候变化条件下的灾害风险综合分值。

    Use AHP method to determine the weight of the indicators and in an integrated way to score comprehensive disaster risk of Binhai New Area under the conditions of global climate change .

  12. 以滨海新区发展战略环境评价中的情景分析为例重点说明复杂系统的驱动力的识别与分析方法,以及如何在SEA中建立综合情景与分情景以及如何开展基于情景的预测分析。

    In the case " SA in SEA for Binhai New Area Development ", the methods for identifying and analyzing driving forces of complex system are tested . The use of integrated and sub-scenarios and the prediction and analysis based on scenarios are elaborated as well .

  13. 同时运用SWOT分析法对滨海新区开发开放的基本情况、面临的形势、以及滨海新区在环渤海区域合作中的地位、作用进行了分析。

    At the same time , using the SWOT analysis measure , list the present conditions and the facing status of the Binhai New Area , pointing its influence on the Around the Bohai Area .

  14. 面对新形势,天津经济技术开发区(英文缩写为“TEDA”,音译泰达)作为滨海新区重要组成部分,肩负起巨大的历史使命,积极响应滨海新区发展新形势。

    Facing the new situation , as an important part of Tianjin Binhai New Area , Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area ( The English abbreviation is " TEDA ") shoulders the great historical mission , and actively respond to the new situation of Binhai New Area .

  15. 天津滨海新区跨世纪发展战略研究

    Development Strategy of Tianjin New Coastal Region in the 21st Century

  16. 谈天津滨海新区投资银行业务的先行先试

    Launching Investment Banking Business in the New Developed Area of Binhai

  17. 滨海新区实现科学发展的战略构想

    The Strategic Design for Binhai New Area to Realize Scientific Development

  18. 滨海新区产业空间布局演化路径与优化策略

    Binhai new district industry space layout evolution route and optimization strategy

  19. 天津市滨海新区湿地优势植物区系特征研究

    Floral Characteristics of Dominant Plants in Tianjin Coastal New Area Wetland

  20. 天津滨海新区信息共享空间建设模型的构建

    On the Construction of IC Model of Tianjin Binhai New Area

  21. 天津滨海新区&政策建构的城市

    Tianjin Binhai New Area : A City Established by National Strategies

  22. 天津市滨海新区海水利用可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on Utilization of Seawater in Tianjin BinHai New Area

  23. 天津滨海新区环境状况分析及对策建议

    Environmental Situation Analysis of Tianjin Coastal New Area and Some Suggestions

  24. 最后对滨海新区主导产业培育提出几点建议。

    And then I give some suggestions of cultivating leading industries .

  25. 滨海新区区域文化和企业文化创新

    Innovation of Regional Culture and Corporation Culture in Binhai New Area

  26. 天津滨海新区港口区域景观规划与设计探究

    Tianjin Binhai New Area Port District View Programming and Design Investigation

  27. 滨海新区能源消费驱动因素完全分解研究

    Decomposing Driving Forces on Energy Use in Tianjin New Coastal District

  28. 天津滨海新区开发过程中生物入侵风险分析

    Risk Assessment of Biological Invasion in New Coastal Area of Tianjin

  29. 天津滨海新区公共设施设计美学探讨

    On Art Design of Public Facilities of Tianjin Coastal New Area

  30. 天津市滨海新区区域管理模式初探

    A Preliminary Search into Regional Management Modes of Tianjin Binhai New Area