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  • synovial bursa
  1. 膝关节腔及周围滑膜囊积液的MRI定量测定

    Effusion quantification in the knee cavity and peripheral synovial bursa : MRI determination

  2. 与膝关节腔相通的滑膜囊包括髌上囊、腓肠肌内外侧头腱下囊、半膜肌囊、胭肌囊。

    Synovial bursa communicant with the knee joint cavity are suprapatellar bursa , bursa of semimembranosus , and Popliteus capsule . 2 .

  3. CT对膝关节周围滑膜囊积液的定位诊断价值

    The located position value of CT diagnosis in the synovial plicaes effusion around the articular capsule

  4. 结论膝关节CT对膝关节周围滑膜囊积液的定位诊断具有重要的价值。

    Conclusion The knee CT is very important to fix the position of synovial plicaes effusion around the articular capsule .

  5. 结果膝关节CT能很好地显示膝关节周围的肌肉、肌腱及骨骼等解剖结构,可准确定位周围滑膜囊积液。

    Results The knee CT could show the muscles , tendons , skeletons , and surrounding structures around the articular capsule , so it was easy to fix the positions of the synovial plicaes effusion around the articular capsule exactly .

  6. 膝关节周围滑膜囊的形态及临床意义

    Morphology of synovial bursae of knee joint and their clinical importance

  7. 肩关节周围滑膜囊、鞘的观察及其临床意义

    Observation of synovial bursae and sheaths around shoulder joint and their clinical significance

  8. 皮下滑膜囊动物模型的建立及其生物学特性实验研究

    Establishment of an animal model of subcutaneous synovial bursa and its biological features

  9. 膝关节滑膜囊的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of synovial bursae of knee joint

  10. 滑膜囊和钙化软骨区的细胞凋亡无明显变化。

    No obvious change in apoptosis could be seen in bursa synoriale and mineralized fibrocartilage .

  11. 目的:评价早期老年退变膝中髌上滑膜囊改变的X线特点及其诊断价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the x-ray characteristics and diagnostic value of the soft tissue changes in degenerative knee .

  12. 方法对15例膝关节囊和/或周围滑膜囊积液进行分析。

    Methods To analyze the position of the synovial plicaes effusion in 15 patients with the articular capsules effusion and / or the synovial plicae effusion around the articular capsules .

  13. 病变部位主要见于中轴关节的滑膜、关节囊、肌键和韧带的骨附着点。

    The inflammation is mainly found in the synovium of axial joint , joint capsule , tendon and ligaments attach to the bone .

  14. 腱鞘巨细胞瘤可发生于关节滑膜、滑囊或腱鞘,依据其生长方式和生物学行为,可分成局限性和弥漫性腱鞘巨细胞瘤两类。

    Tenosynovial giant cell tumors arise from synovium of joints , bursae , or tendon sheaths , and are classified into localized and diffuse types based on the growth pattern and clinical behavior .

  15. 现代医学认为膝骨性关节炎是一种以关节软骨退行性改变为核心,累及骨质,并包括滑膜、关节囊及关节其他结构的全方位、多层次、不同程度的慢性炎症。

    Modern medicine considers that Knee Osteoarthritis is a all-round , multi-level , different levels of chronic inflammation which has degenerative changes in the articular cartilage at the core , the bone involved , including synovial , and the joint capsule and articular other structures .

  16. 结果:CT显示腕尺侧滑液囊滑膜增生,滑液囊增宽、增厚、延长,其内肌腱排列次序紊乱、分散、推移而无增粗改变。

    Results : CT images showed synovial proliferation of bursa carpi ulnaris , the tendines were disarranged .

  17. 颞下颌关节是滑膜关节。颞下颌关节滑膜覆盖着关节囊的关节腔面,它由两层组织构成,第一层为贴近关节腔的内衬细胞层,称为滑膜内膜;

    TMJ is synovial joint , of which synovial membrane covers surface of joint cavity , and consists of two layers of soft tissue .

  18. 滑膜肉瘤多发生于四肢部的大关节周围,以下肢发生最为多见,最常见的发病部位集中在膝关节周围、与腱鞘、滑膜囊、关节囊等关系密切。

    Synovial sarcoma occurs more often in the large joints of limbs around to lower limb happen most common , the most common parts of the knee joint , and focus on around tendon sheath , synovial capsule , the joint capsule close relationship .