
  • 【电影】Genji monogatari
  1. 颜色如花命如叶&浅析《源氏物语》中的女性悲剧

    On the Tragedy of Women in The Tale of Genji

  2. 紫姬无疑是《源氏物语》中最引人注目的女性形象。

    Genji is undoubtedly the most attractive female figure .

  3. 在压抑中寻觅自我&试论《源氏物语》中的紫姬形象

    Seeking ego under depression - On Genji 's image of The Tale of Genji

  4. 《源氏物语》被称为是日本文学中最伟大的成就。

    The tale of Genji has been described as the greatest achievement of Japanese literature .

  5. 日本经典文学作品《源氏物语》引用了白居易的很多诗。

    Many of Bai 's poems are quoted in the Japanese classic The Tale of Genji .

  6. 摘要《源氏物语》是世界上最早最优秀的散文体长篇小说。

    The tale of Genji is the earliest and best novel with prose form in the world .

  7. 高丽相人的预言与《源氏物语》的结构

    " The Prophecy of Ancient Korean Prophet " and the Novel Structure of the Story of Genji

  8. 塞吉奥:说到纸,迄今为止最好的小说是紫氏部写的《源氏物语》。

    Sergio : Speaking about paper , the best novel ever written was The Tale of Genji by the Lady Murasaki .

  9. 以《源氏物语》和《平家物语》为代表的日本古典物语中,众多的悲剧人物形象占据了作品的主导地位。

    Hosts of tragical characters and images hold the leading post in Japanese classical novels , which have as their representatives Genjimonogatari and Heikemonogatari .

  10. 在对比研究的过程中,本文充分挖掘《源氏物语绘卷》中的中国艺术元素,同时也更明确了日本绘画的民族性特征。

    Also excavates in the contrast research process hides " Draws Volume in Source Language " the Chinese and Japanese notebook nationality characteristic drawing characteristic .

  11. 精明的营销手段也起到了作用,新书面市期间讲谈社在全国范围内组织了针对《源氏物语》的演讲和讨论活动。

    Canny marketing also played a part , with Kodansha organising lectures and discussion groups all over the country at the time of the launch .

  12. 力求从以上三部分探析《源氏物语》独特审美特质的形成根源。

    Sought from the above three parts of " The Tale of Genji ," the unique aesthetic characteristics of the formation of the root causes .

  13. 肖像描写。《金瓶梅》抓住特征简笔勾勒人物形象时更为细致,《源氏物语》则较多的呈现出一种印象式描述。

    Second , on the portrait description ," Golden Lotus " is more detailed on focusing on features when " The Tale of Genji " presents impressionistic .

  14. 本着这一原则,拟将《源氏物语》在中国的传播与接受的历史,分成以下几章加以梳理和评述。

    In line with this principle , Will " genji " back into the history of communication and reception in China , Divided into the following chapters to comb and reviewed in this paper .

  15. 《源氏物语》是世界首部长篇小说,也是日本文学史上第一部现实主义风格的小说,其出现对日本的小说创作特别是物语文学产生了深远的影响。

    " The Tale of Genji " is the first realistic fiction in the history of Japanese literature . Its appearance has produced a far-reaching effect to the Japanese novels , especially to the Monogatari literature .

  16. 只要坚持读完,《源氏物语》就是一部好书。然而,正如少年源氏可以四处留情一样,你也可以在这些英文版本里随意挑选。

    " The Tale of Genji " rewards perseverance , but just as young Genji flits from one mistress to the next , so the reader can choose between the three English versions of the story .

  17. 同时从创作背景、文学思潮两方面分析《金瓶梅》在人物形象塑造方面总体上比《源氏物语》进步的原因。

    In the meantime , this paper also makes an analysis on the causes that why are " Golden Lotus " more developed than " The Tale of Genji " from the respects of the background and literary thought trends .

  18. 与西方文学名著相比,《源氏物语》作为世界文学名著,且又出自与中国有着深厚的文化渊源的日本,中国的读者、研究者理应对其有着深刻的认识。

    Compared with famous Western literary works , The Tale of Genji , a world literary master-piece from Japan , a country with profound cultural sources from China , should have enjoyed a deep understanding among Chinese readers and researchers .

  19. 本文力图从日本传统美学理念中的唯美、哀怜、华艳三方面,以《源氏物语》为文本探寻中日文学审美传统的巨大差异。

    This article seeks to traditional Japanese aesthetics from the idea of " aesthetic ", " pity ", " Huayan " three to " The Tale of Genji " as the text of the Sino-Japanese literature to explore the enormous difference between the traditional aesthetic .

  20. 本文试图从《源氏物语》体现的日本文艺美学观念中再次审视日本文学发展经验,解读日本民族精神,深入了解日本文化,进而对本土文化发展获得启示。

    This paper attempts from " The Tale of Genji ," embodied in the concept of literary aesthetics in Japan once again to examine the experience of Japanese literature , interpret the spirit of the Japanese nation , in-depth understanding of Japanese culture , and cultural development of local inspiration .