
kuì làn
  • fester;ulcerate;canker
溃烂 [kuì làn]
  • [fester;ulcerate] 伤口或溃疡处因感染病菌而化脓

  • 伤口溃烂

溃烂[kuì làn]
  1. 伤口未溃烂。

    The wound did not fester .

  2. 就永远无法修复自己的创伤,伤口会继续溃烂,永不愈合。

    Our wounds will continue to fester and never heal .

  3. 很多孩子深受溃烂创痛的折磨。

    Many of the children are afflicted by festering sores .

  4. 他四肢全都溃烂了。

    Every inch of his arms and legs was ulcerated .

  5. 伤口在溃烂,已经生了坏疽。

    The wound is festering , and gangrene has set in

  6. 伤口溃烂,散发出一股恶臭。

    The wound is festering and stinking .

  7. 具有溃疡特征的或感染上溃汤的;溃烂的

    Cankerous marked by or infected with canker ; ulcerous .

  8. 沟藏温度下,通过套袋使CO2浓度升高、O2浓度下降,可致使鸭梨褐变溃烂。

    High CO_2 and low O_2 could induce browning of ' Yali ' pears under ditch storage tem - perature .

  9. 毒性反应主要有WBC下降、恶心呕吐、口腔粘膜溃烂等。

    The major side effects were nausea , vomiting , mouth epithelium ulcer and decrease of the count of WBC .

  10. 我希望能有一个向导能够安全的把我带进溃烂森林(FesteringWood)而后再出来,因为我知道那里面有着一种奇特的生物,多节行者。

    I hoped to find a guide who could bring me safely into the Festering Wood and back , for I had come to see for myself the strange creatures that are the " gnarled walkers " .

  11. 课题背景:胃溃疡(GastricUlcer,GU)是发生于胃黏膜表面,由于各种原因所导致的局部组织因坏死脱落而形成的溃烂缺损病变,是临床上常见的一种急、慢性消化系统疾病。

    Research background : Gastric Ulcer ( GU ) is a common clinical acute and chronic digestive diseases , it refers to the festering and fragmentary damage on the surface of gastric mucosa , which was caused by the desquamation of the local tissue .

  12. 获得的结果如下:1、从患溃烂症的美国红鱼分离到优势菌株M-1,人工感染实验证实该菌为美国红鱼的致病菌。

    The results as follows : 1 . A bacterial strain named M-1 was isolated from the diseased Sciaenops ocellatus with ulceration . Artificial infection test with thoracic cavity injection ( 0.2mL per fish ) proved that strain M-I was the causative pathogen associated with the disease .

  13. 你伤口溃烂进了医院

    how you wound up in the hospital with an ulcer ,

  14. 我的创痍溃烂流脓,完全由于我的愚蒙。

    Foul and festering are my sores because of my folly .

  15. 胃粘膜已经消失或溃烂。

    Here the gastric mucosa has been lost , or ulcerated .

  16. 或像溃烂的疮口流着脓水?

    Or fester like a sore ? And then run ?

  17. 伤口在潮湿中溃烂,永远也不能愈合。

    Wounds festered in the damp , they never healed .

  18. 本地胡子鲶头甲溃烂症病原菌的分离与特性

    Isolation and character of pathogenic bacteria from Clarias fuscus with cankering head disease

  19. 时尚界是不是有什么东西在溃烂?

    Is something rotten in the state of fashion ?

  20. 溃烂了几十年的地板,加上通风系统坏了。

    Decades of rot beneath the floorboard combined with a broken ventilation system .

  21. 最后他们个个全身皮肤溃烂,器官衰竭而死。

    At last , their skin was rotting and their organ exhausted to death .

  22. 因此愤怒就像不可能被刺破的疖子一样,依然在化脓溃烂。

    Thus the anger keeps festering , like a boil that cannot be lanced .

  23. 死刑无法医治犯罪这块已溃烂的伤疤。

    Death sentences cannot cure the festering sore .

  24. 青海省祁连县家畜口腔黏膜溃烂病的调查

    Investigation of mouth mucous membrane canker in domestic animals in Qilian County of Qinghai Province

  25. 不要在那溃烂的东西上去想。

    Think not of that which perishes .

  26. 疾病和溃烂等同于出生、死亡和再生的思想形态。

    The disease and decay equate to the thought-form of birth , death and rebirth .

  27. 注意避免猛烈搓揉,造成皮肤破损、溃烂。

    The note keeps violent twist bit from crumpling and makes skin damaged and fester .

  28. 没有人会承认自己有溃烂的疮疤。

    No man will admit his sores .

  29. 溃烂的,最终必将爆发。

    That which festers must eventually explode .

  30. 但是后来溃烂得很厉害。

    But later it festered a lot .