
  • 网络lake eutrophication control
  1. 基于湖泊富营养化控制技术综合集成的管理信息系统框架研究

    MIS Framework on Comprehensive Integration of Lake Eutrophication Control Techniques

  2. 湖泊富营养化控制技术综合集成方法框架

    Comprehensive integration of lake eutrophication control technique

  3. 湖泊富营养化控制理论与技术

    Control Theory and Technology of Lake Eutrophication

  4. 湖泊富营养化的控制是一项十分重要、十分复杂,同时又是十分迫切的任务。

    The control of lake eutrophication is a urgent task that is very important and complicated .

  5. 湖泊藻型富营养化控制&技术、理论及应用

    Lake Eutrophication Control in Technology , Theory and Application

  6. 藻类爆发性生长是水体富营养化带来的问题之一,利用植物化感作用抑制藻类生长具有生态安全和快速高效的优点,对湖泊富营养化的生态控制具有非常重要的意义。

    Eutrophication leads a mass of algae . Phyto-Allelopathy in algal inhibition is of safe , effective and significance in restoration of ecosystem for lakes undergoing sever eutrophication .

  7. 根据国内外众多治理经验,湖泊有其自身的特点,与河流水体不同,对湖泊富营养化的控制与治理应当遵循控制污染源与生态修复相结合的路线。

    According to domestic and international management experience , lake has its own characteristics , it is different from water bodies and rivers , the management of lake eutrophication should be followed with the line which combine the sources of pollution conformity with ecological restoration .