
  • 网络Lake Village
  1. 孩子们觉得乔治湖村是个绝妙的游乐园。

    Children find Lake George Village a wonderland of amusement parks .

  2. 救护过程回顾4月23日,当地警方接到报告称,密山市临湖村一处废弃房屋中发现一只老虎,随后伤及一名女性村民。

    On April 23 , local police received a report that a tiger had been found in an abandoned house in Linhu village of Mishan , and had hurt a female villager working on a farm .

  3. “哄抢行为显示,这些人不幸福,这让我为他们感到遗憾,”邻近富士山的小镇山中湖村(yamanakako)的家庭主妇mikihanba表示。

    " The looting shows that they are not happy people , which makes me feel sorry for them , " says Miki hanba , a housewife in Yamanakako Town , near Mount Fuji .

  4. 沿系舟山北麓断裂,具体分析了水峪剖面、湖村剖面上各期崩积楔共21个样品的粒度及粒度参数。

    The total of21 grain samples come from two sections distributed along the northern Xizhoushan Fault .

  5. 目的了解江西省余干县驾湖村2007年血吸虫病疫情监测情况。

    Objective To understand the situation of schistosomiasis control in Jiahu village of Yugan county , Jiangxi province , 2007 .

  6. 加尔湖的Listvyanka村,湖畔的纪念品市场上出售的俄罗斯套娃。

    Matryoskha dolls for sale at souvenir market on waterfront in Listvyanka village on Lake Baikal .

  7. 旅游发展对摩梭老年人休闲活动的影响&以泸沽湖地区落水村和开基村为例

    The Influence of Tourism Development on the Leisure Activities of the Old Mosuos : A Case Study of Luoshui Village and Kaiji Village in the Lugu Lake Area