
  • 网络Hot Spring Resort;Fairmont Hot Springs
  1. Spa指水疗,凡是与spa相关的地方(包括温泉度假村)一般都提供各种各样的身体保健项目。

    The term spa is associated with water treatment , spa towns or spa resorts ( including hot springs resorts ) typically offer various health treatments .

  2. 入住宾馆,稍事休息,到国家AAAA级风景区山东盈泰生态温泉度假村用晚餐,泡温泉。

    Stay in the hotel and take a rest for a while , then go to the national AAAA-level scenic spot Shandong Yingtai Ecological Spa Holiday Village to have supper and bath in hot spring .

  3. 旅游业中对服务质量的研究大多是以酒店为研究对象,国内外关于温泉度假村的服务质量研究基本没有。

    The studies of service quality in tourism mostly take hotel for cases .

  4. 新银盏温泉度假村,笔架山峡谷漂,飞来峡风景区,清新温矿泉山庄。

    Scene spot new yinzan hot spring resort , Bijia Canyon drifting , Feilai Gorge Scenic spot , Qingxing hot spring .

  5. 本文以南京汤山温泉度假村为调研对象进行实证研究,检验评价量表的可靠性和稳定性。

    And take a Hot Spring Resort in Nanjing Tangshan for case study to evaluate the reliability and stability of the scale .

  6. 此研究对温泉度假村服务质量水平的提升有重要意义,同时对相关度假村的服务质量研究也有借鉴意义。

    The study has significance of improving service quality of standards hot spring resorts and reference of service quality research for relevant resorts .

  7. 当她妈妈回来之后,我立刻带她们去中山聚龙湾温泉度假村去泡温泉了。

    When her mother came back , I took them to bathe hot spring in ZHONGSHAN DRAGON BAY HOT SPRING RESORT at once .

  8. 在生态与文化秩序下的山地温泉度假村设计

    The Design of Hilly Hot Springs Resort in Ecotypic and Cultural Way ; Research on How to Co-Exist under Good Political System in Diverse Culture Society

  9. 龙脉温泉度假村总占地280亩,景色宜人,空气清新,地下蕴藏着国内首屈一指的淡温泉,地热资源丰富。

    Longmai hotspring resorts has a total area of280 mu , landscape and fresh air of underground deposits of the leading domestic short springs and geothermal resources .

  10. 《光华日报》报道,根据计划书,新酒店,是一家温泉度假村酒店,位于升旗山上荒废已久的克拉克酒店所在地段。

    " Guanghua Daily " reported that according to plan , the new hotel , is a hot spring resort , long abandoned in the flag-raising mountain site of the Clark Hotel .

  11. 在对调查问卷用因子分析法进行数据分析时,根据旋转因子负荷矩阵数值把服务质量评价量表中的项目指标进行精简,最终得出包含25个项目指标的温泉度假村服务质量评价量表。

    In using factor analysis of data analysis for the questionnaire , the indicators is purified , and finally constructed a hot spring resort service quality measurement scale of eight dimensions and 25 indicators .

  12. 再结合目前温泉度假村的发展现状,对温泉度假村文化、温泉度假村的物质基础进行分析,确定温泉度假村景观设计的总体原则。

    Combined with the current development of the spa resorts , and analyzed to determine the material basis of culture of spa resorts , spa resorts Spa Resort the general principles of landscape design .

  13. 得出结论认为,解决北京京郊昌平区凤山温泉度假村战略调整的管理问题在理论上是必要的,在实践中是具有现实意义的。

    It concludes that solving the management problems of the suburbs of Beijing Changping District , Beijing Fengshan Hot spring Resort strategic adjustment is necessary , in theory and in practice has practical significance .

  14. 本文以丹东“北国之春”温泉度假村为例,重点探讨该类型规划设计项目中应重点关注的问题,以期对类似规划提供借鉴。

    In this , the writer takes Danton " Northern Spring " Spa Resort , as an example , and focuses on the issues of the project in order to provide a reference for similar plans .

  15. 以珠海海洋温泉旅游度假村为例,探讨种植设计中树种选择的程序与方法。

    This article , taking Zhuhai Ocean Hot Spring Resort for example , exploited the ways in trees chosen of planting design .