
  • 网络introgression;introgressive hybridization;hybrid introgression;introgression hybridization;hybridization
  1. 利用SSR分子标记检测鹅掌楸种间渐渗杂交

    Detection of interspecies introgression hybridization in Liriodendron with SSR markers

  2. 利用SSR分子标记探测鹅掌楸种间渐渗杂交鹅掌楸不同交配类型子代遗传多样性研究

    Interspecies Introgression Hybridization in Liriodendron Revealed by SSR Markers Comparison of Genetic Diversity among Different Types of Mating Systems in Liriodendron

  3. 基于细胞色素b基因研究两种石鸡的渐渗杂交

    Introgressive Hybridization Between Two Partridges Based on Mitochondrial Cytochrome b ( Cytb ) Gene

  4. 菰(ZizanialatifoliaGriseb.)中NBS-LRR类抗病基因同源序列的克隆及其在渐渗杂交系中的遗传和表观遗传变异分析

    Cloning of NBS-LRR Type RGAs from Zizania Latifolia ( Griseb . ) and Their Genetic and Epigenetic Changes in the Introgression Lines

  5. 明确两种石鸡之间的基因流动方向。(3)推测渐渗杂交发生的时间和机制。

    Confirm the direction of gene flow ( 3 ) conjecture the causation and time of introgressive hybridization .

  6. 对扶绥群体内高度遗传异质性的成因进行了探讨,证明基因突变和渐渗杂交是植物遗传多样性和进化的两个主要动力。

    It was concluded that mutation and introgression could be the major dynamics of plant genetic diversity and evolution .

  7. 远缘杂交的实质是分子水平的片段杂交,进化过程中物种间的渐渗杂交是远缘杂交的自然形式,从而认为物种间分子水平上的片段杂交具有进化意义。

    The essential of distant hybridization is the hybridization of the DNA fragments , Introgressive hybridization between species during evolution is the natural form of distant hybridization , which means that the hybridization of DNA fragments at the molecular level between species is very significant in the process of evolution .