
qīnɡ rè yào
  • antipyretic;heat-clearing drugs
  1. 用药以补阴药、清热药和止血药为主。

    Medication to yin drugs , antipyretic and hemostatic based .

  2. 并且在保健药物功效分类中补虚药、清热药、利水渗湿药出现的频次最高。

    And tonic medicines in a healthy drug efficacy category drug , antipyretic , Lee water wet there had the highest frequency .

  3. 结论:两个以清热药为主的中药复方对Hp均有抑菌作用,为进一步开展中药抗Hp的临床研究提供了依据。

    Conclusion : The results provide a scientific basis for further developing clinical study of chinese drugs compound on inhibiting helicobacter pyloric .

  4. 使用种类最多的是活血化瘀药,其次是补虚药,再次是清热药、理气药、止血药。

    The most widely used types are blood circulation drugs , followed by a tonic medicine again antipyretic .

  5. 中药知母,是一常用的苦寒清热药,有悠久的降血糖应用历史。

    The traditional Chinese Rhizoma Anemarrhenae is a commonly used antifebrile agent and has very long hypoglycemic application history .

  6. 按中药功效对异常组所有药物进行总结后发现使用最多的为补虚药和清热药。

    According to Chinese medicine efficacy to summarize abnormal group of all drugs and found the most used to tonify deficiency and heat medicines .

  7. 治疗肺痿的药物中,主要以补虚药为主,其次为清热药、化痰药、止咳平喘药。

    Drug therapy in " Fei Wei ", mainly are tonic medicine , followed by antipyretic medicine , expectorant drugs , cough and asthma medicine .

  8. 视疲劳方的基本配伍规律为补虚药、清热药、解表药、利水渗湿药的遣用。

    Fatigue side as the basic compatibility rules for the tonic medicine , antipyretic , relieving drugs , the drug benefit Wetting removal of water use .

  9. 用药特点:前5类药物为补虚药、活血化瘀药、清热药、利水渗湿药、祛风湿药。

    Characteristic of using drugs : The first five classes of herbs were reinforcing drugs , promoting-circulation drug , clearing-heat drugs , inhibiting-damp drugs , dispel-wind drugs .

  10. 此外温里药、清热药、攻下药、收涩药及毒性药物的运用也值得临床进一步推广。

    In addition , temperature in drugs , antipyretics , capture drugs , drug astringent , and the use of toxic substances is also worthy to be further . 6 .

  11. 从大肠癌治疗的整体药物来看,大肠癌的治疗用药主要有活血药、补益药、理气药、温里药、清热药、攻下药等等。

    From the overall treatment of colorectal cancer medications , drug treatment of colorectal cancer are mainly Traditional medicine , tonic , qi medicine , warm in medicine , antipyretic , capture drugs and so on .

  12. 中草药中的解表药、清热药以及以它们为主组成的中成药通过抗病毒、解热抗炎、镇痛及增强机体免疫功能而达到抗流感的疗效。

    Drugs for treating exterior syndromes , heat clearing drugs of Chinese herbs and Chinese patent medcine which mainly consisted of them can resist influenza by resisting virus , clearing heat and resisting inflammation , easing pain and increasing immune function of body .

  13. 活血软坚药、益气养阴药和清热解毒药均可抑制Bel-7402细胞端粒酶活性,且活血软坚药作用优于清热解毒药。

    All of the three groups suppressed the telomerase activity of Bel-7402 cells , and the effect of group of activating blood and dissipating a mass was better than that of group of clearing away heat and toxic materials .

  14. 50种传统清热解毒药的抑菌实验

    Experiments of Inhibitory Bacteria on 50 Sorts of Traditional Antipyretic and Antidote Medicines

  15. 清热解毒药与活血药相配伍的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Compatible Application of Heat-clearing and

  16. 健脾清热化瘀药对胃溃疡大鼠表皮生长因子及其受体表达的影响

    Effect of Invigorating Spleen , Clearing Heat and Eliminating Stasis Drugs on EGF and EGFR Expression in Rat Model of Gastric Ulcer

  17. 本文报告了传统药物文献收载的50种清热解毒药的抑菌实验结果。

    The article reports the test results of inhibitory bacteria on 50 sorts of traditional antipyretic and antidote medicines collected in the documents .

  18. 结论:中风病毒损脑络不但存在瘀毒,同时热毒亦存在较多。临床治疗应在活血通络基础上加之清热解毒药。

    The clinical therapeutics may include the drug of cleanup heat detoxification on the basis of drug of Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis .

  19. 检测中,清热活血方药对于VEGF的调控不明显,可能与取样时间相关,需要后续实验进一步证实。

    But the regulation to VEGF is not obvious ; probably it is associated with the sampling time , which need for follow-up experiments to confirm .

  20. 目的:观察急性痛风性膝关节炎家兔模型白细胞介素1β(IL-1β)的变化及活血化瘀与清热解毒方药的干预作用。

    Objective : To observe the changes of interleukin-1 ( IL-1 ) in knee joint of monosodium urate crystal-induced rabbit arthritis and the interrupting effects of promoting blood circulation to remove stasis and clearing away heat and toxic materials .

  21. 结果清热养阴方药及其配伍能降低邪热亢盛证大鼠的体温,增加CD4细胞数量,提高CD4/CD8比值,降低+++CD8细胞数量。

    Results The clearing away heat and nourishing Yin decoctions and the combination can descend the rats body temperature , increase amount of CD4 + cell , ascend ratio of CD4 + / CD8 + , descend the amount of CD8 + cell .

  22. 清热活血方药治疗活动期类风湿关节炎临床疗效研究

    Clinical Research on the Effect of the treatment of clearing heat and activating blood on active rheumatoid arthritis

  23. 妊娠期食疗法的主要特点为重视调理气血,多佐以清热类食药。

    The main features of food therapy during pregnancy for the emphasis on conditioning blood , many accompanied by heat type medication .

  24. 方法:自拟清热利湿祛风药,经10年的筛选,组成协定方剂,进行中药面膜倒模。

    The prescription was composed by self-modified medicines of clearing away heat and promoting diuresis and expelling the wind as Traditional Chinese Medicine facial mask after 10 years selection .

  25. 目的研究清热养阴方药及其配伍对邪热亢盛证大鼠T细胞亚群的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of clearing away heat and nourishing Yin decoctions and the combination on T cell subsets of the rat model of excess heat syndrome .

  26. 方法对112例慢性咽炎患者行24小时双探头(食管和咽部)pH值监测,将检查出的62例LPR患者随机分为两组,实验组:应用抑制胃酸药和清热解毒的咽炎药治疗;

    METHODS A total of 112 patients with chronic pharyngitis were performed ambulatory 24-hour double-probe pH monitoring . The patients were divided into two groups .

  27. 清热解毒类方药抗菌效价的生物检定法研究

    Study on the Bioassay of Rare Category of Chinese Medicine

  28. 清热化湿方药对以消化不良为主要表现的脾胃湿热证患者血清胃肠激素及细胞因子的影响

    Effect of QING RE HUA SHI Decoction on Serum Gastrin , Motilin , TNF - α 1 and IL-10 in the Dyspepsia Patients with Spleen-stomach Damp-heat Syndrome

  29. 清热燥湿健脾方药对早期2型糖尿病胰岛素抵抗及TNF-α的影响

    Effect of Herbs of Cleaning away Heat , Drying Dampness and Invigorating Spleen on Insulin Resistance and TNF - α of Patients with Early Stage of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  30. 用药以补益药、清热泻火药、清热凉血药、止血药、活血祛瘀药、清热燥湿药为主。

    However asthenia of Qi is the main reason in the root , asthenia in the branch is heat poison and blood stasis .