
  1. 该文着重介绍清华大学电子工程系微波电路实验的课程特色和内容。

    This article presents the characteristics and contents of the course-Microwave Circuits Experiment , which is offered in the Department of Electronic Engineering , Tsinghua University .

  2. 1955年,毕业于清华大学电子工程系的赵家和留校任教。1985年,在赵家和的帮助下,清华大学的经济管理学院正式成立。

    Zhao began teaching at Tsinghua University after graduating from the school 's Department of Electronic Engineering in 1955 , and he later helped establish the School of Economics and Management in 1985 .

  3. 张先生获清华大学的电子工程系学士学位以及美国马里兰大学的电子工程硕士学位。

    Chris held Bachelor of Science from Tsinghua University , and Master Degree of Science from University of Maryland .